Input Speech Delay

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Input Speech Delay

Post by ar234948 » 03 Jul 2016 16:56

When I use the Input Speech (Experimental) with 'No user interface', there is a noticeable delay of ~7.5 seconds (from log). It will create the start input sound, I will say something, then it will still delay the same amount of time before the end input sound (~7.5 seconds total).

When I use the Input Speech (Experimental) with 'Show user interface', there is no noticeable delay. The prompt will appear with the start input sound; after words are spoken, the interface acknowledges end voice input and disappears instantaneously. The average time from start to finish voice input is ~1.5 seconds.

I do not think it was always this long of a delay, but in the recent past, I do remember a small delay when using 'No user interface'.

Any assistance is appreciated.

Thank you.

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Re: Input Speech Delay

Post by Martin » 05 Jul 2016 12:37


Automagic uses the speech recognizer service of the system so there's probably not much Automagic can do to avoid the delay. The option 'Show user interface' uses a different mechanism provided by the system so this one might be optimized by the system in some way.
Could you please turn on 'Debug log' in the preferences of Automagic, execute the action Input Speech without user interface and then send the log to (menu->Manage->Log, menu->Send Log) so I can check where the delay occurs?


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