Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
Moderator: Martin
Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
variables connected_devices_addresses and connected_devices_names are not set
Re: Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
Please, be more specific. This needs a use case to determine where the problem lies.
When the flow runs through the condition, are there any bluetooth devices connected?
When the flow runs through the condition, are there any bluetooth devices connected?
Re: Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
I am sorry that if I wasn't clear. When the condition runs, there are device connected. I expected the variables are assigned with the condition returns true. However, they are empty.
Re: Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
The variables are propagated on my device when a BT device is connected.
Could you please execute a flow like this and check if the variables are really not available?
-condition Bluetooth Device Connected
--> true: -condition Debug Dialog
I would be glad if you could send me a log if the variables are still empty but the condition remains true (turn on debug logging in the preferences of Automagic then execute above flow, go to the flow list and use menu->Manage->Log, menu->Send Log).
Thanks & Regards,
Could you please execute a flow like this and check if the variables are really not available?
-condition Bluetooth Device Connected
--> true: -condition Debug Dialog
I would be glad if you could send me a log if the variables are still empty but the condition remains true (turn on debug logging in the preferences of Automagic then execute above flow, go to the flow list and use menu->Manage->Log, menu->Send Log).
Thanks & Regards,
Re: Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
Probably found the problem. The variables are not set when only a specific bluetooth profile is checked. This should be fixed in the next update.
Thanks for reporting!
Thanks for reporting!
Re: Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
More information, in my condition, I set it to check if any bt device (Not specific one) connected to the headset profile. Not sure this match your finding
Re: Variables not set for Bluetooth Connected condition
Yes, the problem was caused by the setting to check the headset profile only.