My Chinese Bluetooth watch keeps disconnecting (gt08) and I figured maybe it's done kind of idle system in it. So I was trying to make a timer that randomly will play a soft sound between one and 5 minutes, but periodic time inexact only goes with 15 and doesn't seem so inexact.
So here's what I did
Periodic timer
Time : {global_timefloat}
Action : script
Global_timefloat = random(60,300) +"s";
Periodic timer won't accept the global even though it let's me pick it
Periodic timer help, Martin?
Moderator: Martin
Re: Periodic timer help, Martin?
Try Global Variable Date/Time
Trigger :Global Variable Date/Time
Global Variable : global_timefloat
Action : script
Global_timefloat = addMinutes(triggertime, random(1, 5))
Trigger :Global Variable Date/Time
Global Variable : global_timefloat
Action : script
Global_timefloat = addMinutes(triggertime, random(1, 5))
Re: Periodic timer help, Martin?
that worked, thanks