Right now the flow I have is simple. There's no trigger (yet), I kinda wanna get through this hurdle before I add a trigger. But the flow goes like this, Init Package Info (All packages) > Script > Input Dialog. The thing I'm having trouble with is the script. I'm trying to get the code to just filter out the app names and have that in a new list so I can have that list in the Input Dialog. Not like com.google or com.textra, etc. But more so like, AMC, Android Auto, Automagic Premium, stuff like that.
Here's the script code I have now:
for (pn in keys)
{ label=package_info[pn]["application_info"]["label"];
if (startsWith(label, pn))
addElement(list, pn)
As y'all can see, I don't know what I'm doing