by Desmanto » 07 Jan 2020 16:58
Hi, I am already at havoc 3.0 android pie 10. Accessibility seems to be working faster here, don't know if it is from the ROM, kernel or android 10. But some of my script that usually delay, now become faster. Now I have to set the delay to wait for other element instead.
1. Background activity Starts
Seem working fine here. I already enable draw over other app permission
2. Clipboard data
Also working fine here. Multi clipboard flow still working
3. Enable and disable Wi-Fi
Now all wifi related flow require location feature to be enabled (GPS - high accuracy). If the location is off or only network, then flow with wifi related element won't work. Automagic also need to be granted location feature all the time, go to app info > permission > location permission > Allow all the time. By default, it is only "Allow only while using the app". This cause some of my flow failed, and later I found out the flows only works if I open Automagic. Then I see location icon at the statusbar, and immediately investigate the permission and found out the culprit. This location limitation also happen to other app, so not only to Automagic.
I have no choice but to leave location feature enabled all the time. And I still haven't find any significant drain compared to previously only enabled when opening certain app. This render my navigation flow useless (which turn on GPS when using certain app), as now the OS is doing the job already.
So the solution for this : enable GPS all the time (location high accuracy) and set Automagic location permission to "Allow all the time".
4. Scoped Storage
I tested this using OTG, and still can find the path to the OTG. I copy the path from MiXplorer, still the same. It also happen in android pie 9.0. So it seems to be the bug in AM 1.37.
@holger : This was expected, as the background acitvity Starts limitation in android 10. Tasker also need to enable this. Many other app also have to granted draw over other app to work properly.
Last edited by
Desmanto on 08 Jan 2020 11:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.