Many actions can be added by yourself using the actions Start Activity, Send Broadcast and even triggers using trigger General Broadcast or UI Event.
The goal of this post is to collect actions that are either too device specific to include in Automagic, depend on third party apps not installed on most devices or I didn't have the time to include in Automagic yet.
Feel free to add more actions and variations of already listed actions by replying to this post. Optionally also include a link to a published flow that shows how the feature can be used.
Please also add a link to the third party app when the action requires one (link to Google Play when available).

Action Start Activity
Start a skype audio call (requires Skype: Google Play)
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
Data URI: skype:echo123?call (replace echo123 with the Skype contact name)
Start a skype video call (requires Skype: Google Play)
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
Data URI: skype:echo123?call&video=true (replace echo123 with the Skype contact name)
Start a skype chat (requires Skype: Google Play)
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
Data URI: skype:echo123?chat (replace echo123 with the Skype contact name)
Open the SMS app with the defined recipient and message without sending the SMS.
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
Data URI: sms:1234567 (replace 1234567 with the actual phone number)
Extras: putString("sms_body", "SMS text")
Compose an MMS with image, recipient and message without sending the MMS.
Action: android.intent.action.SEND
Explicit Component: checked
Package Name:
putString("address", "1234567");
putString("sms_body", "MMS text");
putUri("android.intent.extra.STREAM", "file:///mnt/sdcard/test.png");
Start an app to compose a mail with some predefined fields.
Action: android.intent.action.SEND
Data MIME Type: text/plain
putString("android.intent.extra.SUBJECT", "Subject text");
putString("android.intent.extra.TEXT", "Mail body");
putStringArray("android.intent.extra.EMAIL", newList("recipient1", "recipient2"));
putStringArray("android.intent.extra.CC", newList("ccrecipient1", "ccrecipient2"));
putStringArray("android.intent.extra.BCC", newList("bccrecipient1", "bccrecipient2"));
Execute a web search.
Action: android.intent.action.WEB_SEARCH
Extras: putString("query", "what's the time?");
Take a picture using the camera app and store in the specified file (manual operation required).
Action: (Android 4.2+ when screen is locked)
Extras: putUri("output", "file://mnt/sdcard/test.jpg");
Action Send Broadcast
Ask the operating system to close system dialogs (like power off menu).
Action: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
Trigger General Broadcast
The current time has changed. Sent every minute by the system when the system is awake.
Action: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
The date of the device has changed.
Action: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
The device language has changed.
Action: android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED
WiFi signal strength changed (usually only reported by the system when the display is turned on).
Access Intent Extras: value=getInt("newRssi", 0);
Ringer mode changed.
Access Intent Extras: ringer_mode=getInt("", 0); (0=Silent, 1=Vibrate, 2=Normal)
Location providers (GPS/network) enabled/disabled. (use condition Location Provider Enabled: xyz to check if GPS or network is enabled).
Action: android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED
Wallpaper has changed.
Action: android.intent.action.WALLPAPER_CHANGED
Trigger UI Event
A Google Now voice search was executed. The search term can be accessed in the flow in variable text.
Event Type: Text selection changed
Package Name:
Text: leave empty