I frequently connect to a wifi network that operates as a "captive portal". The SSID is wide open, but then, before you can actually get to the internet, you have to open up a browser and enter a username and password into a login screen that pops up.
The network boots you off after 20 minutes, and requires you to log in again.
I would love to automate this process as much as possible so that I can maintain an "almost" persistent connection to wifi. Can Automagic help with this?
Auto login to captive portal web login?
Moderator: Martin
Re: Auto login to captive portal web login?
There's no built-in action available in Automagic to achieve this. It might be possible to create an action HTTP Request that automatically submits the required form. You could also try to use action Control UI to control the browser and auto-fill the input fields.
There's no built-in action available in Automagic to achieve this. It might be possible to create an action HTTP Request that automatically submits the required form. You could also try to use action Control UI to control the browser and auto-fill the input fields.