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Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 21:03
by Lutz
it theems that I did'nt understood the principle of Automagic until now.
I want a short "beep" if I'm at work every hour.

From monday to friday, from o8am to o6 pm, at full hour ( minutes are 0, seconds are 0 ) make beep.

What is the right way to make this?

There is a trigger "periodic timer" but there is no trigger "if minutes and seconds are 0". What can I do with the periodic timer?

I thought the trigger should be "time" but there is no range. Have I to use as trigger the starting time, then to make a condition is it monday to friday and from o8am to o6pm, then make a periodic timer "every 60minutes". But there is no action "periodic timer" - only a trigger.

What do I wrong?


Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 07:36
by Martin
Hello Lutz

Periodic Timer measures the time relative to the time when the trigger becomes active (when the flow is enabled).
If you want a trigger "every 1h" that triggers at the full hour then you have to enable the flow at a full hour.

In your case you could build three flows:
  1. Alert flow with a trigger Periodic Timer: every 1h and an action Play Sound
  2. Enabler flow with trigger Time: at 8am on Mo-Fr and action Set Flow State: Enable Alarm flow
  3. Disabler flow with trigger Time: 6pm on Mo-Fr and action Set Flow State: Disable Alarm flow
This also ensures that the device is not woken up every hour at night and on weekends.

You could also build a flow like this:
Trigger: Periodic Timer: every 1h
Condition: Time Range: when between 8am - 6pm on Mo-Fr
true -> Action: Play Sound

-you have to enable this flow manually at the full hour since the trigger starts the timer when the flow is enabled
-the flow also executes at night and on weekends and thus consumes more battery


Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 19:10
by Lutz ... 9b138190ec Hello Martin, thank you. I think I understood what the three flows should do.
But it doesnt work correctly. Yesterday I wrote the flows and started the main flow manually for testing purposes. As result from yesterday to now 15 minutes after the complete hour the message occurs. I manually stopped the main flow but the signal comes 15 min to late.
Do you have an idea?

Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 05:26
by saherr1969
Another thought:

1. Create two triggers, one for 8am Mon-Fri and another for 6pm Mon-Fri. Put both triggers into one flow.

2. Add condition Flow State of Beeper Flow.

3. Connect TRUE result to Action Flow Disable Beeper Flow

4. Connect FALSE result to Action Flow Enable Beeper Flow.

To start this toggling back and forth correctly, you will need to set the state of Beeper Flow to enabled if the current time is between 8am and 6pm or disabled if outside the desired window.

Good luck,

P.S. Martin, the attached flow link in the earlier post failed to import anything for me.

Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 07:03
by Martin
(The flow link in the post above should work now).

Did you manually enable the flow exactly at the full hour? If you can reproduce this problem, then please send the log to me (menu->Manage->Log, menu->Send Log resp. Menü->Verwalten->Log, Menü->Log senden).

The flow StundengongAktivierung uses an action Execute Flow (resp. Flow ausführen) that will execute the Stundengong once but you need to enable the flow at 8am so the flow becomes active and runs on its own.
You can use an action Set Flow State: Enable (resp. Setze Flow Status: Aktivieren) to enable the flow. You can use an action Set Flow State: Disable (resp. Setze Flow Status: Deaktivieren) in the flow StundengongDeaktivierung.


Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 16 Jan 2014 05:20
by Marcoid
Hi there,

Am I missing something -- I don't see an action named "Play Sound". I need this for a flow in working on... there's a particular notification sound (not the default one) I want to play in conjunction with a notification I want to display in the status bar.

Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 16 Jan 2014 07:48
There is that little nice search feature when selecting triggers and actions. Try to do a search with a word "sound".

Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 16 Jan 2014 07:49
by kintrupf
What about "Calendar" triggers? Couldn't they be used to automatically enable/disable the hourly chime at exacly 8am/6pm?

Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 17 Jan 2014 03:00
by Marcoid
Hah! Thanks, MURTUMA. Brain full + no sleep = derp.

Re: Play a sound every full hour

Posted: 21 Apr 2016 13:07
by wfrcrd
I'd like to play a sound too in flow but I don't understand how to find the action, any help?
Thank you