Version History
Posted: 11 Apr 2013 09:49
1.38.0 (2020-08-02) (This version is not available in Google Play but only on our website)
1.37.0_02 (2019-03-11)
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.36.0_01 (2018-10-27)
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.35.0 (2018-05-19)
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.34.0_03 (2017-11-16)
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.33.0 (2017-05-20)
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.32.0_01 (2016-10-02)
1.32.0 (2016-10-01)
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
- new trigger Launcher Trigger to execute a flow from the Launcher or with the Bixby button
- new trigger Accessibility Button to execute a flow with an additional button in the navigation bar (Android 8+)
- new trigger Volume Long Press Event (Android 8+) *
- new triggers Launch Browser/Calculator/Calendar/Contacts/Mail/Music App Intent Received to react e.g. for special physical keyboard keys or to key events sent by system
- new condition Custom Widget Overlay Showing to check if an overlay from Automagic is currently showing
- new action Delete HTTP Request Cookies
- new action Compare Images
- added option Use accessibility service in action Show Custom Widget Overlay to potentially show widget on the lock screen and over the status bar
- display permissions in Automagic with other texts in Android Q since access to the permission group name is not possible anymore
- added possibility to make some actions that required root to work with permission granted using ADB, most notably actions Set Mobile Datanetwork State, Set Default Input Method, Set GPS State, Set System Locale and Set Network Location State *
- added some special permissions like android.permission.DUMP and android.permission.READ_LOGS that can be granted using ADB which allows to use commands like dumpsys activity or logcat without root (use action Execute Command: dumpsys activity or trigger Command Output: logcat -c...). Some permissions like android.permission.READ_LOGS require a reboot of the device to take effect.
- added option ignore group summary in trigger/condition Notification on Statusbar Displayed
- added new variable cells with more cell information provided by condition Phone Cell GSM/CDMA
- added optional filename in action Download URL
- added option in settings to hide the Automagic input method when the Automagic keyboard is used to simulate key events
- added option for x/y-offset action Combine Images
- minor changes & bug fixes
1.37.0_02 (2019-03-11)
- internal changes to action Mail with Gmail which allows to use a more specific OAuth scope (mandatory change requested by Google, re-authentication might be required)
- added button in account selection of action Request Sync to select accounts invisible to Automagic
- improved error handling in action Speech Output so that network synthesis failures don't go unnoticed
- minor changes & bug fixes
- added workaround to action Set WiFi Tethering State to make tethering work again on some devices (requires installing Workarounds for Automagic available in Google Play)
- new action Modify Notification Channel (Android 8+)
- new action Show Control UI Infos (Android 4.1+)
- new action Show Control UI Gesture Recorder (Android 7+)
- disabled trigger SMS Sent due to new Google permission policy
- added option to set the notification channel in action Notification on Statusbar (Android 8+)
- added option to set the notification channel in trigger Notification on Statusbar Selected (Android 8+)
- added new variable notification_channel_id in action Init Variable Notifications on Statusbar, condition Notifications on Statusbar Displayed and triggers Variable Notification on Statusbar Displayed/Removed
- new option in maintenance screen to hide unused notification channels
- internal changes to improve support of Android 8 and Android 9
- use widget size by default in action Show Custom Widget Overlay when no size is explicitly defined in the action
- added settings to disable features Store as file and Send/Share Intent Received
- extended condition Execution Count to show the current count and with button to reset the count
- added configuration to trigger WiFi Connected whether it should trigger on BSSID changes or not
- improved support to replace variables in JSON configurations of plugins
- Info/Gesture/Close button in overlay control of action Control UI can be dragged now
- text of toggle widgets is not forced to be uppercase anymore
- minor changes & bug fixes
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.36.0_01 (2018-10-27)
- workaround for a bug on Android 9 that causes time based triggers to execute twice when the system executes Automagic slightly early
- new trigger Fingerprint Gesture (Android 8+)
- new trigger Hardware Key Event (Android 4.3+)
- new action Set LineageOS System Setting to modify system-, secure- and global-settings on LineageOS based ROMs (LineageOS 15.1+)
- extended action Control UI with functions to operate on elements by ID when multiple elements with the same ID are available
- extended action Start Activity with option to define the launch bounds to launch an activity in freeform mode (on devices supporting freeform mode)
- added option in trigger HTTP Request to listen for requests on the WiFi interface only
- added reply to and mime type field to action Mail with Gmail
- added script functions takeScreenshot and lockScreen to action Control UI
- internal changes to Twitter actions since some APIs are replaced by newer ones by Twitter
- enable widget overlays to extend into area around display cutout (aka notch) when possible (Android 9+)
- updated Google Play services
- use new official API for action End Call on Android 9+
- changes to improve compatibility with Android 9 (especially should fix triggers WiFi Connected/Disconnected)
- extended action HTTP Request to optionally use a defined network interface
- added possibility to specify wildcards in trigger System Setting Changed to allow detection of all changes
- added setting to specify the amount of time to wait for accessibility events
- optional light theme (Android 6+)
- minor changes & bug fixes
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.35.0 (2018-05-19)
- new action Set Camera Usage State (Android 4+)
- new action Send USSD Request (Android 8+)
- new option for trigger Audio Volume to trigger on every change
- trigger Audio Volume now provides variables old_volume and volume to flow
- extended action Input Dialog with new type PIN
- condition Service Running is not available anymore on Android 8+ due to new restrictions from Android 8
- added new option in settings to disable that Automagic can retrieve Web-URL intents to avoid that Automagic is listed in the selection list when opening a link
- make action Dismiss Slide to Unlock Keyguard work on Android 8
- make action Shutdown work on more versions of Android
- added undo/redo to current flow and widget editor session
- adapted action Set WiFi Tethering State for Android 8.1*/**
- added option to immediately finish a HTTP response in trigger HTTP Request and action Write HTTP Response Text
- added new script function log10 and ln to calculate logarithms
- updated Google Play services
- new adaptive app icon for Automagic
- Action Set CyanogenMod Profile now supports LineageOS 15.1 and was renamed to Set Cyanogen/LineageOS Profile*
- minor changes & bug fixes
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.34.0_03 (2017-11-16)
- fixed that action HTTP Request provides HTTP response headers that occur multiple times (like Set-Cookie) as a list instead of just providing the first value
- improve trigger Calendar Event to not miss events on devices with more aggressive battery optimization
- fixes resource leak in location selection map
- fixes some reported crashes
- minor improvements an fixes
- fix that action Stop Flows does not lead to rest of flow being executed twice
- fix performance issue of trigger Calendar Event
- fixed typos in German settings screen
- fixed that defined variables in scripts are not available in subsequent scripts of the flow
- fix crash on Android 4.4 or below when the service is stopped/started.
- new trigger View Web URL Intent Received to intercept URLs for the browser
- new condition Root Preference Enabled
- new action Init Variables Network Statistics (Android 6+)
- new action Modify Automagic Notification on Statusbar
- new action Snooze Notification on Statusbar (Android 8+)
- modernized user interface by using a navigation drawer and a floating action button on Android 5+
- added feature to add a description for each flow on the flow list
- added possibility to add notes within a flow
- performance of flow editor improved (most noticeable on Samsung devices)
- added option to ignore host check in action Execute SSH Command
- added script function getParcelable to get parcelable extras as is from an intent
- added feature in built-in text editor to format JSON
- provide variables widget_x_offset and widget_y_offset to flow when hiding an overlay
- added possibility to create loops in flows (click plus-icon in flow editor and select Templates)
- added option to query a contact by exact display name in action Init Variables Contact Info
- variable replacements with {var,listformat,comma} now also use the regular escaping mechanism when the variable contains a single value and not a list
- deactivation of the device admin functions in Automagic now checks if Automagic is defined as the device owner and allows to clear the device owner status of Automagic
- added option to change font size in action Input Dialog
- restructured and simplified Automagic settings screen
- added new script function isList, isMap etc. to check type of variables
- added new extended script function findAll to get all groups of all matches of a regular expression
- extended action HTTP Request for form data file upload
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.33.0 (2017-05-20)
- new trigger Hardware Keyboard State
- new trigger Hardware Keyboard Type
- new condition Hardware Keyboard State
- new condition Hardware Keyboard Type
- new condition Action Sound Playing, also provides variables with payback position and duration
- new action Seek Action Sound
- new action Init Variables Contact Info
- new action Init Variable Contact List
- added option to start sound from specific position in action Sound
- added variable to get the current sound position in action Stop Action Sound
- added multi-SIM support to a few trigger, conditions and actions when possible and officially supported (requires Android 5.1+ or Android 7+)
- added list of last few UI events in trigger UI Event to simplify the configuration
- added option in action Show Custom Widget Overlay to make clickable widgets movable per Drag&Drop
- added new method to determine foreground app/activity in trigger App Task Started/Ended and Activity Started/Ended
- improved scrolling in full screen script editor (open by clicking label Script)
- added cursor control buttons in full screen script editor (open by clicking label Script)
- trigger Clipboard Changed directly provides the variable clip_data with the clipboard content as text
- internal changes to all Dropbox actions required by migration to Dropbox API version 2. You might have to grant Automagic access to Dropbox again.
- internal changes to all Google Drive actions to reduce size of Automagic.
- added new script function existsElementById in action Control UI (Android 4.3+)
- added new script function findAll to get all matches of a regular expression
- added new setting to open power optimization of the device (Android 6+)
- added option to control visibility of event in action Create Calendar Event
- added new root method to activate WiFi tethering in action Set WiFi Tethering State for Android 7.1 **
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
1.32.0_01 (2016-10-02)
- ask for permission to change Do Not Disturb mode for actions that can indirectly lead to a change in DnD mode (Set Ringer Mode, Set Audio Volume and Restore Audio Volumes). The permission is not required when access to notifications is granted.
- support adb permission granting for action Set System Setting also for older Android versions when the ROM supports it
1.32.0 (2016-10-01)
- new trigger Quick Settings Tile Selected (Android 7+)
- new action Update Quick Settings Tile (Android 7+)
- new action Save Widget to Image File
- new action Combine Images to add watermarks/overlays on an image
- extended action Control UI to record and play touch screen gestures (Android 7+)
- extended action Set System Locale to support multiple locales (Android 7+)**
- added option to show a progressbar in action Notification on Statusbar
- added option to set group in action Notification on Statusbar and trigger Notification on Statusbar Selected (Android 7+)
- extended action Set Wallpaper to change the lock screen wallpaper (Android 7+)
- added search feature to flow screen
- added feature to select unused global variables
- added option to disable immediate screen brightness update in action Set Screen Brightness to avoid flickering on some devices
- condition Debug Dialog can show complex values (maps/lists) as JSON
- added optional button to action Message Dialog
- added feature to filter list of trigger-, condition- and action types by tag/category
- added script function getDate to interpret the date in a specific timezone
- added feature to change system settings of category secure and global in action Set System Setting by granting permission by adb without root
- added new script function toggleSplitScreen in action Control UI
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.