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Notification of WiFi state when it changes
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 00:53
by DataCrypt
I have created a flow that changes my WiFi state based on location. I'd like to add a notification to the log as well as to the status bar telling me that the WiFi state changed to on or off. In the notification text area, I tried typing "WiFi {wifi_state}", but I get the notification that says WiFi Null. It's like the variable for the wifi_state is not available for the WiFi state action. I only see things based on location and trigger. If I try "WiFi {trigger}", I get "WiFi Manually".
How can I log and/or notify the current WiFi state when after this action is triggered? Do I need to create another action (of the type Script) to do this?
I'd like to do the same thing for when I change the state of BlueTooth.
Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated.
Kindest Regards,
Re: Notification of WiFi state when it changes
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 01:07
by bobchernow
You need to have either a condition or action that exposes the Wi-Fi state variable.Use the condition WiFiTthat state and make both the true and false connection go to same place. That will expose the variable.
Re: Notification of WiFi state when it changes
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 02:31
by DataCrypt
UPDATE: Figured it out!
I went ahead and ran the output of the WiFi State (true and false) to a Script action. There I wrote my code and set a new variable which I called {state}. Lastly I created the Notification on StatusBar action and was able to get the variable {state} to display in the notification! Very cool. I also figure out the Bluetooth notification. For that I just used the Bluetooth Enabled condition and set a notification action for True or False (since it only has two conditions no need for a script).
Thanks for the prompt reply. I went ahead and added a condition of WiFi State after I set the WiFi on or off. I can then get the {wifi_state} variable from that which I direct to a notification on statusbar action. So, now I'm having a slight issue on how to display the message I want. Since the {wifi_state} is a number 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. I have the text as "WiFi {wifi_state}" which shows "WiFi 3" (for enabled). I need to replace that with the text "Enabled". I tried doing an if statement and have the text like this:
WiFi if{wifi_state}==3 state="Enabled" else state="Disabled"
(Note: I'm doing the else Disable since I don't really care about the other states right now - if I have issues with it showing Enabling - I may need to add a pause (a sleep action) to the flow.)
but this displays WiFi 3==3 state="Enabled" else state="Disabled"
So, I'm wondering how I can do this (if it's possible here) or if I need to run a script action now?
Thanks again for your time.
Best Regards,
Re: Notification of WiFi state when it changes
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 10:35
by Martin
In this case you can probably still use an inline script in your notification.
Something like this:
WiFi {if(wifi_state==3) "Enabled" else "Disabled"}
The complete text within the curly braces is executed as a script.
If you only care about the enabled state, then you could also use the condition "WiFi State: Enabled" and connect the true-output to a notification "WiFi Enabled" and the false output to another notification "WiFi Disabled" and don't use scripting at all.
Re: Notification of WiFi state when it changes
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 13:33
by DataCrypt
Thank you Martin. Would this also be allowed in an Expression action or only a script action?
Code: Select all
WiFi {if(wifi_state==3) "Enabled" else "Disabled"}
One thing I noticed last night was that since this was running on a periodic timer trigger, I'd get this notification every time it ran. I only wanted it when it actually changed. Interestingly I could only retrieve the previous_wifi_state variable when I use a trigger of WiFi State. If I put the WiFi State action after a Set WiFi State action, I don't get the previous_wifi_state available to me.
This way I could at least write the expression
Code: Select all
if(wifi_state != previous_wifi_state}
so I know that it actually changed before showing a notification. Any way to get the previous_wifi_state without having to use WiFi_State as a trigger?
Kindest Regards,
P.S. This is by far one of the BEST apps for Android! Great job! Thank you for your time put into this.
Re: Notification of WiFi state when it changes
Posted: 25 Mar 2013 09:16
by Martin
You can add the inline script in almost all text fields of all actions and conditions. Press the [?]-button when you edit an action or condition and see if there is a text "Variables are supported" for a particular text field.
You can also test if a text field supports variables by typing curly braces in a text field and see if the braces are displayed in a blue color. For example you can type {x} in an action Notification on Screen and {x} should be displayed in blue.
The condition WiFi State can only access the current state and has no knowledge of the previous state. You could use a global variable to store the previous state (global_wifi_state=wifi_state).
I'm not entirely sure if this works for your use case but you could build two flows to display the notifications:
flow 1:
-trigger "Wifi State: Enabled"
-action "Notification: turned on"
flow 2:
-trigger "Wifi State: Disabled"
-action "Notification: turned off"
or combine it in one flow:
-trigger "Wifi State: Enabled, Disabled"
-condition "WiFi State: Enabled"
->true: action "Notification: turned on"
->false: action "Notification: turned off"
or with the inline script:
-trigger "Wifi State: Enabled, Disabled"
-action "Notification: Wifi turned {if(wifi_state==3) "on" else "off"}"