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Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 22 Apr 2013 18:09
by sbidivuda
On my phone, a Samsung Galaxy S Advance with Android 2.3.6, the Phone Signal Strenght condition is not showing the current signal strenght bar (the android signal indicator show 3 bars), I also tryied to check the signal_strength_level and the signal_strength_asu variables but both show a NULL value.
Any idea about how to solve this problem ?

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 23 Apr 2013 07:43
by Martin
Please create a simple flow with one condition Phone Signal Strength: higher than 0, connect the true-output to a condition Debug Dialog and execute the flow manually. A popup dialog with all global and local variables should be displayed. Are the variables still NULL?

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 04:09
by sbidivuda
I connected it to the false output because the true don't evaluate, the variables are :
from the begin to gsm_bit_error_rate are all showing a value of -1
gsm_signal_strenght = 99
is_gsm = true
signal_strenght_asu = 0
signal_strenght_level = 0

at the time of the trigger evaluation android was reporting a signal level of 3 bars out of 4

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 07:14
by Martin
Strange, seems like the device is not reporting the current value to Automagic.
Please enable debug logging in the preferences of Automagic, execute the flow one more time and send the log to me (on the flow list: Menu->Manage->Log, Menu->Send Log).
When you open the editing screen of condition Phone Signal Strength, is the red/yellow signal strength indicator displayed? What's the current value approximately (numeric value in the name of the condition when you move the slider to the same position)?


Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 09:25
by sbidivuda
the red/yellow signal strength indicator is missing.
To send you the log file the phone is requiring an email address, can you tell me the right one ?

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 11:57
by Martin
Please send the log to

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 17:42
by sbidivuda
I've sent the log, waiting for your replay.
Thank you

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 04:26
by sbidivuda
I tryied the tip you wrote in the PM and it works, the signal bar is showing inside the condition in Automagic but as soon as the phone is rebooted the bar is missing as usual, there isn't a permanent workaround for that bug ?

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 07:32
by Martin
Unfortunately this seems to be a firmware issue and updating the system software is probably the only way to fix it permanently.
I don't know of a feasible workaround. Will the reported value change and update correctly after you once opened the About phone->Status page in the Android settings?
If this is the case, you could try to use an action Launch Shortcut or Launch App to automatically show the settings page once when the phone starts.

Re: Phone signal strenght problem

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 10:01
by sbidivuda
I'm new to Automagic, please, can you post the flow instructions to achieve that goal via the Launch App action ?