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Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers correctly
Posted: 25 Apr 2013 10:16
by Ageris
I have a flow with a trigger, two conditions and two actions set up like this:
Code: Select all
1. Periodic location update (Network, 5 minutes, (x) Enforce)
1.a Location: Exiting X -(true)> Set ringer mode Normal
1.b Location: Entering X -(true)> Set ringer mode Vibrate
Exit setup:
() - Entering
(x) - Exiting
() - Ignore when previous...
() - Inside
Enter setup:
(x) - Entering
() - Exiting
() - Ignore when previous...
() - Inside
The problem is the actions are never triggered. It doesn't seem to be able to recognize enter/exit events. From the logs I can see that both conditions always return false. Am I missing something in how the location is determined? I thought if I went from outside to a location that overlapped my current location it would trigger. Can someone help me find out what I'm doing wrong?
Re: Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers corre
Posted: 26 Apr 2013 08:14
by Ageris
Re: Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers corre
Posted: 26 Apr 2013 11:03
by Martin
Perhaps the reported location by the device is not accurate or the radius of the configured location is too small.
You can visually check the reported locations by opening the map screen in the location condition and see if the blue filled circle matches your expectations (disable GPS in the phone settings to ensure that the map does not use the GPS location).
Are location services turned on in the settings of your device (Settings->Location access, Wi-Fi & mobile network location)?
Re: Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers corre
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 05:40
by Ageris
Hi, thanks for your reply.
Location access is turned on and I see that the circles overlap. Does the red circle have to be completely inside the reported location for it to trigger or is it sufficient for them to overlap? It does not seem to trigger on the transition unless I also tick "Accept every update inside" though, but I can't have this on for both branches of the flow.
Re: Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers corre
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 08:21
by Martin
Overlapping should be enough but the condition internally uses an optimization to prevent switching too many times when the reported location is in progress of entering/exiting.
Can you send the log and the flow definition to (menu->Manage->Log, menu->Send Log)?
I usually use the following pattern for such flows:
Periodic Location Update
Location: entering, exiting (both transitions checked)
--> true: condition
Location Entering (to distinguish between entering/exiting)
-----> true: actions for entering
-----> false: actions for exiting
Re: Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers corre
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 09:25
by Ageris
I'll send the log and definition and try updating the flow as you described.
Re: Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers corre
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 12:23
by Martin
Thanks for the log and flow definition. This is definitely a bug. Location transition is not correctly processed when only entering or only exiting is selected.
As a workaround you can use the flow structure outlined in the last post with the additional condition Location Entering until the fix is released.
Re: Location based flow with enter/exit never tirggers corre
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 12:27
by Ageris
Will do, thanks for the help and an awesome app!