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||BUG|| HTC ONE X Rooted (ARHD 21.0)

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 12:29
by and313

would like to report a bug. I can not enable or disable gps state. The device admin and rooted functions are enabled. Considering that arhd is a 99% stock rom it probably doesn't work on original roms either

Re: ||BUG|| HTC ONE X Rooted (ARHD 21.0)

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 13:22
by Martin

Most probably the little root helper app did not handle the action Set GPS State properly. Sometimes it helps to enable root in the preferences of Automagic, uninstall Automagic and reinstall Automagic.
Note that it will not work with modified APKs of Automagic (security products modifying the APK, tools rebuilding the APK to remove permissions and so on).

Please enable Debug log in the preferences of Automagic, disable Root support, wait some seconds, enable Root support, execute an action Set GPS State and send the log to (on the flow list: menu->Manage->Log, menu->Send Log)

You can also try and see if the non-root workaround to switch GPS works on your device:
-disable root in the preferences of Automagic
-execute action Set GPS State: on/off. Ignore the root required hint in the action, it will try to use a method that works due to a bug in Android and it seems to work on a HTC One X (stock 4.1.1).

You can also execute the workaround manually with action Send Broadcast:
Category List: android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE
Data URI: 3
Explizit Component: checked
Package Name:
Class Name:


Re: ||BUG|| HTC ONE X Rooted (ARHD 21.0)

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 13:59
by and313
log sent. did the uninstall after enabling the root helper but it still doesn't work. I have tried without root helper also but it still won't turn on. everything in the log seems normal

Re: ||BUG|| HTC ONE X Rooted (ARHD 21.0)

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 14:40
by and313
had the 1.15 version installed. Should had the 1.16 on which gps on/off works :) great app tnx