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Does changing airplane mode in 4.2.2 requires root?

Posted: 12 May 2013 06:10
by amir77a

I'm using Galaxy S4 with Android version of 4.2.2.

I've created simple task - to turn airplane mode On or OFF.

The execution failed due to unrooted device.

Does all activities requires rooted device?


Re: Does changing airplane mode in 4.2.2 requires root?

Posted: 12 May 2013 20:33
by LightTempler
Action 'Airplane Mode On/Off' is marked in Automagic help with 'needs root on Android > 4.2
An Automagic wizzard level 1.17 isn't higher than a Google wizzard level 4.2 ;-)

Re: Does changing airplane mode in 4.2.2 requires root?

Posted: 13 May 2013 07:28
by amir77a
Sorry for my newubiness.. but I didn't understand your reply.

What is "Automatic help"?
What is "wizzard level 1.17"?
what is "google wizzard level 4.2"?

Re: Does changing airplane mode in 4.2.2 requires root?

Posted: 14 May 2013 17:27
When you're editing actions, conditions or triggers in editor, there's a button in upper right corner. That's automagic help. The other two you can just ignore.

The simple answer to the topic is yes. You need root for airplane mode control.

Most actions doesn't require root access. Whether some action needs that can be found in automagic help for that specific action.

Hour this made it clear.

Re: Does changing airplane mode in 4.2.2 requires root?

Posted: 15 May 2013 09:28
by amir77a