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Voice answering machine

Posted: 19 May 2013 03:36
by msiemens
I just wonder if ever someone has tried to build a flow for a voice answering machine?
1. Pick up the phone when incoming voice call
2. Playing a pre-recorded sound file (maybe a conditional one depending on the caller-id)
3. Recording the voice message of the caller
4. Notifiying number of recorded voice messages in status bar
5. Playing the recorded voice massages by showing caller-id



Re: Voice answering machine

Posted: 20 May 2013 08:02
by bodyalive
I think that commands and contitions to do what you ask are already avaliable in latest version of automagic.
it's up to you to build your flow ;)

Re: Voice answering machine

Posted: 21 May 2013 15:58
by msiemens
OK - started. First challenge: how to play the answering text so the caller can hear it? Thanks, Martin

Re: Voice answering machine

Posted: 23 May 2013 08:18
by inReinbek
Hi msiemens,

look at this thread: ... 2144#p2132

it seems, that there's no binding possible on played soundfiles 4 incoming/outgoing connections.

Re: Voice answering machine

Posted: 26 May 2013 14:05
by msiemens
This might be the reason why there are now answering machine APPs available as well. Android (Google) business model is supporting telephone providers via only allowing provider based voice mailboxes...

Re: Voice answering machine

Posted: 27 May 2013 23:04
by k2saf
I think you could make this work with an old smartphone, which plays and records the sound.