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LED notifiacation control

Posted: 23 May 2013 10:16
by berliozz
Can any method to control LED indicator on some devices?
Some possible cases:
- switch off all LED notification on night;
- set color for LED indicator on different events (Missed Call, New SMS|MMS, email and other event);
If intercept events from any apps to complex and rigth way is use Light Flow or similar app, than maybe somebody can explain me, how to switch off all notification to night?

Re: LED notifiacation control

Posted: 03 Aug 2014 13:05
by amothz
Looking for the same thing. Struggling with disabling notification lights on my Sony Xperia Z2 during night/charging. Tried several apps without luck, and don't find anything om Automagic to work here either. :\

Re: LED notifiacation control

Posted: 04 Aug 2014 16:21
by Martin
Controlling the LED is quite difficult on Android, since the official APIs are very limited. Automagic can make the notification LED blink on some devices using an action Notification on Statusbar. However, some devices ignore the color setting, some devices won't turn the LED on when the display is on.
Some devices have separate system settings to turn on/off the notification light in general. You can control such system settings sometimes with action Set System Setting. For example a Nexus 5 has a setting called notification_light_pulse to toggle this setting. On Samsung devices you could also try to toggle the blocking mode to disable the notification led at night. Please also see the help text of action Set System Setting for some device specific examples.