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Location trigger modern style problem

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 18:11
by tschaedl

I've used a long time the classic method of the location trigger. And it work but not very good. Without enabled WLAN and GPS I had to increase the circle to a few kilometers to recognize that I's still at my workplace. Some days ago I switch to the modern style. And all seemed better then before. Better power consumption, no jumps out of my working area BUT last week I didn't used my car to go to work (where I always enable my GPS) but took the train (not enabling the GPS). And now I have the opposite behaviour of the classic style. Without GPS or WLAN the location trigger doesn't fire entering or leaving a location.
Has anybody had the same experiences with the modern style or any suggestion how can I improve the trigger behavior?


Re: Location trigger modern style problem

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 18:37
by Martin!
I don't know if my problem is related, but it seems similar. I've been using Location triggers with the modern method on my old HTC One X, with no problems. Now I've switched to a Nexus 5, with the phone's location mode set to "Battery saving", which only uses wi-fi and mobile networks (no GPS). Looking at Googles location history it is clear that the phone knows that I've been moving around, even leaving town, but not a single one of my Automagic flows with Location triggers have been triggered.

Re: Location trigger modern style problem

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 18:00
by Martin

I've just tested the modern trigger in the train today with location mode of the Nexus 5 set to 'Battery saving' and the results where quite good (WiFi was turned on).
It only missed one location where the train drives quite fast (only about 1 minute within area of interest).

When you open the location map within Automagic, does the device show the current location using a blue circle (use menu->Location Providers and switch to 'Balanced Power/Accuracy')?
Does the blue circle match your current location? Is the reported location more accurate when switching to provider 'Network'?

If it still does not work then please reboot the device and check again.


Re: Location trigger modern style problem

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 19:37
by Martin
I have made some more tests today without WiFi ('Scanning always available' also turned off).
It seems that the new location methods provided by Google play services only trigger when the reported location with radius lies completely (or almost completely) within the area of interest (blue circle on map in Automagic needs to be within the red circle). The reported location is usually very inaccurate when WiFi is off (depending on location up to a few kilometers) which means that the configured radius in the location trigger should also use at least such a big radius.
I think that this was not always the case and might have been introduced by Google with one of the Google play services update.

Does the location trigger work on your devices when you are using a bigger radius in the location trigger?

Re: Location trigger modern style problem

Posted: 09 Jan 2014 20:24
by Martin!
Thanks for investigating! :)

When I was having my problems I had "Scanning always available" disabled. Since then I have turned it on, and now my flows work just as they used to, even with location mode set to "Battery saving".

My radiuses are set to 100 meters, and I guess that's far too small to work without the Wi-Fi. My reported locations those days were pretty spot on in the location history though, so I thought that should have set off the triggers, but maybe the radiuses were too big to fit in my defined circles.

Re: Location trigger modern style problem

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 18:22
by tonesmcbutt
I recently created a work based location flow which sends a text to my wife letting her know when I leave work at night, all was working fine with my settings of Modern, radius 350m, GPS Off & Wifi on then I created another flow to turn the Wifi OFF at work resulting in the location text flow to never trigger. The next day I turned the Wifi back on and all was fine again.

Not sure yet if the issue is the radius size when just using mobile data or if Wifi has to be enabled.