Input box disappears when msg appears in notification area

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Input box disappears when msg appears in notification area

Post by ChaosNo1 » 19 Sep 2013 07:03

I have a input box that offers me a view options if my phone is put into a table dock. The box appears on the screen but after about 1 or two seconds it disappears. There is no timeout defined.

I recognizes that my phone shows a message in the notifcation area that the phone is connected to the dock. This comes exactly when the input box goes away. I added a five seconds pause script before i show the input box and that fixed my problem. But i ask me if there is another way to keep the box alive?


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Re: Input box disappears when msg appears in notification ar

Post by Martin » 20 Sep 2013 08:09


Is the flow executed using a trigger Dock Event?
Android usually shows the home screen or starts a desk dock app when the device is put into the dock. Showing the home screen can take a second or two and will hide the input dialog.
For this case you probably have to use a sleep-action to ensure that the input dialog is shown after the home/desk app is shown.


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