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More boolean logic?

Posted: 20 Sep 2013 06:51
by amix

I made a flow like this:

on display status=off:
if (time period =(10pm-8am))
if (sound profile=normal)
if not (app task running=radio.player)
then set speaker=silent

Now I want to be able to check for other multi media apps running, too, not just, as in this case, TuneIn Radio. So, I would need a logical OR in the flow, which I could combine to a single true or false result.
Like so:

if not ((app task running=radio.player) or (app task running=mp3.player))
Any ideas on how to do that?

Thx, Andreas

Re: More boolean logic?

Posted: 20 Sep 2013 08:31
by Martin

There exists a condition Music Active which might be helpful in this case.

You can add multiple conditions to create OR, AND, XOR like this:



Re: More boolean logic?

Posted: 20 Sep 2013 22:28
by amix
Wonderful! "Music Active" did it!

Also, thanks for the examples, very much appreciated.

Re: More boolean logic?

Posted: 16 Nov 2013 19:25
by lailoken
My flows don't draw this way... A condition seems to split both its true and false at the bottom, making flows difficult to follow.

Or is this a problem in this particular flow of mine?

(See attached screenshot)

Not the more location I add the more incomprehensible my flow becomes - and I am unable to re-arrange it so that it makes more sense.

Any hints what I could do differently?

Re: More boolean logic?

Posted: 16 Nov 2013 20:56
Tap the link between two objects. You'll see two (or one depending where it is connected) buttons but also yellow dots around the objects it's connected to. Try pressing those dots and you'll see the magic happening.