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global variablle

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 16:25
by rsegoly
Is it possible to create global variable to be used across flows?

Re: global variablle

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 16:36
by Martin
Yes, variables with the prefix global_ are automatically treated as global and are accessible by all flows.
See also the description of action Script.
Global variables are also available from the flow list: Menu->Manage->Global Variables

Re: global variablle

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 17:00
by rsegoly
managed to use global variable as state keeper fro flows.
I have now flow activated by voice (autovoice) which turns on/off the light in my room

Re: global variablle

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 18:19
by Martin
Nice, sounds very interesting!
How are you turning the light on/off from your device, over WiFi?

Re: global variablle

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 18:37
by rsegoly
I keep the system as independent module

The core is Web server with MYSQL
The phone and also web interface can update the database accordingly
The end system is Arduino with several components
1. IR led
2. RF transmitter
3. 220 Volt relay
Of course I do not need all but it's for demo

The Arduino can send IR commands and I have IR receiver with socket
It can send RF commands and I have RF receiver with socket
And of course close open 220 Volt circuit on relay

The Arduino connects to the Web, receive it's commands and execute
The connection is either from board with Ethernet capabilities or via Python script on PC

It's not that complicated, but the end result is mobile which can send commands (I use Automagic and open URL flow)
Triggered by voice
Also on the Web interface I created connection to IFTTT so I can automate activities, so for example when sun sets I get light on command.

The end product will also send commands to the mobile for example to dial specific number or say the time

See all in this short video ... m_8PLdvBAU

Re: global variablle

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 02:54
by artpc
For me Autovoice , Autoremote and EventGhost

Controlling your living room with EventGhost: ... EventGhost

Plugin remote Receiver , SmartTV , projector, XBMC and more , serial port , broadcaster ,remote event maper, desktop remote and more
Control Windows power , mosue , files, media player and more

Re: global variablle

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 04:02
by rsegoly
I did not want the pc to send commands as I am planning to have more devices at home, and one device will act like switchboard.
Also when I use Arduino I have the flexibility to connect it via wifi and not pc.
And I use linux, eventghost is for windows. But very nice

Re: global variablle

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 10:44
by artpc