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Blockmode on samsung S2 plus

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 09:35
by fiets

I have a Samsung s2 plus wich has a "block modus" so you only will receive calls from members on a call list.
I use that for at night where I want to be reachable just for certain callers.

Is there a action to turn on/off this blockmode or is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance...

Re: Blockmode on samsung S2 plus

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 17:20
by Martin

Blocking mode is a Samsung specific feature which can not be toggled using a built-in action in Automagic yet.
The next version of Automagic will allow to change general system settings using action Set System Setting (low level access for power users).
This action allows to toggle the blocking mode on an S3 so it might also work on an S2.
