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Autosave telephone number to contact

Posted: 20 Dec 2013 12:47

I'm new to the whole automagic game, I'm looking for a flow that saves the telephone number of a incoming sms with specific text to a contact.
I got the incoming part right just don't know how to do the save number to contact part, should I use a script but then how do I do it.


Re: Autosave telephone number to contact

Posted: 20 Dec 2013 14:12
by Martin

There is no built-in action to modify a contact yet.
What kind of data would you like to add to the contact? Does the contact already exist or do you also want to create a new contact?


Re: Autosave telephone number to contact

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 12:43
by TML

i want to do the same.
I want to create, edit and erase contacts in the Phonebook.

I tried to use "Start Activity" but i'm not familiar with android intends.

Can you please help me?

Best regards,

Re: Autosave telephone number to contact

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 19:55
by Martin

You could start the activity to create a new contact. You will still have to press at least the save/done button manually.

Start Activity
Action: android.intent.action.INSERT
Data URI: content://
putString("name", "test");
putString("phone", "1234");
putString("email", "");

Editing and deleting is difficult since you would have to search the contact first which is not possible with Automagic yet.
You can edit a contact you know in advance by using Start Activity, set action to android.intent.action.EDIT and select the contact in the Data URI-field ([...]-button, Contact).
