Some small spelling errors (and German) in the documentation
Posted: 20 Dec 2013 22:29
I noticed some spelling errors and German words in the English documentation. Most of the errors are small and insignificant, but I thought I should mention them anyway. I really hope this doesn't come across as nitpicking.
I have highlighted the errors in red below.
Once again, most of these are small typos, but since I already found them I thought I might as well point them out for you.
I have highlighted the errors in red below.
ACTION: Set Lock Pattern State
Sichere Einstellung: Changes the setting in the regular settings database of Android (Android 4.2 and below)
Datenbank: Directly accesses the database containing the lock settings (Android 4.3+)
Service: Asks the system service to change the setting (Android 4.3+)
ACTION: Create Calendar Event
The action Create Calendar Event creates an event on the specified calender of the device (Android 4+ required)
ACTION, CONDITION, TRIGGER: Plugin (Experimental) also conditions
Warning: This function is experimental und might not work with all existing plugins available in Google Play. We can not provide support for plugins.
ACTION: Set Lock PIN/Password
The action can be used to deactivate the screen lock:
Important: Set the screen lock in the settings of Android to 'None'
activate the desired PIN/Password screen lock in the settings of Android
use the option 'Clear PIN/Passwort' in the action to disable the screen lock
ACTION: Take Picture
Add to gallery
Whether or not the image should be made available in the gallery app. Otherwise the picture will become available when the system scnas the device for media files the next time.
TRIGGER: General Broadcast
the explizitely set MIME type of the received intent
TRIGGER: Periodic Location Update / TRIGGER: Periodic Timer Inexact / CONDITION: Time Range
From - To
The start of the time range and the end of the time range. An To-time smaller then the From-time will move the To-time to the next day to simplify checks for time ranges crossing midnight.
Finally, there are a few instances of "Glob patters" in both the documentation for Triggers and Conditions.CONDITION: Active Network Type
The condition Active Network Type checks if a network (usually WLAN or Mobile) is active and useable for data traffic.
Once again, most of these are small typos, but since I already found them I thought I might as well point them out for you.