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Find Android devices in Wifi network
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 07:47
by bichlepa
Is it possible to find Android devices in a Wifi network?
I thought it might be possible with a broadcast address, but it doesn't work.
I get an answer if I open But not Trying out all possible IP addresses is not practicable because it takes several seconds before the answer comes that the page is not reachable.
I'm about to create a solution to exchange the clipboard between the computer and an android device. It works but only if I know the IP Address of the android device.
Re: Find Android devices in Wifi network
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 20:17
by ZSasha
how about using an external place (like dropbox or gdrive) so Android, once your flow has been started started, would "register" itself by putting its own IP address in a text file.
Then PC app could query the same location, read the file to get Android's IP address and then try to contact that address directly?
Re: Find Android devices in Wifi network
Posted: 27 Aug 2019 18:34
by Bluscre
This would indeed be nice,
Btw @martin why is a thing?
Re: Find Android devices in Wifi network
Posted: 27 Aug 2019 19:11
by Martin
You can ignore the stopfli-site. It was temporarily used for a few tests and I forgot to remove it. It should stop working soon...
Re: Find Android devices in Wifi network
Posted: 27 Aug 2019 19:20
by Bluscre
I use this now (works without root on my device:
Code: Select all
// Execute Command: cat /proc/net/arp
stdout = split(stdout, "\n");
header = removeElement(stdout, 0);
wifi_devices = newMap();
for (i in stdout)
split = split(i, "\\s+");
ip = split[0];
wifi_devices[ip] = newMapFromValues(
"type", split[1],
"flags", split[2],
"mac", split[3],
"mask", split[4],
"adapter", split[5]
Thanks for the info martin, i almost thought i entered my login on a scam site for a second xd
Re: Find Android devices in Wifi network
Posted: 29 Aug 2019 19:05
by Desmanto
But arp only contain the devices address that have communicate to our phone within last several minutes. And sometimes it doesn't even have the devices address I just ping.
Still have to use ping to all possible address and parse the result to grep only for the reply one.