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Calendar and Alarm Flow

Posted: 06 Jun 2014 03:01
by RyanF
Hi Everyone!

I've been searching around and hope I might get an answer or pointed in the right direction.

I would like to create a flow that sets an alarm on my phone 3-4 hours before a calendar event. I know that this entails reading the calendar, which I can do now. The problem I am having is figuring out how to get the event_start time read in the calendar so the 3 or 4 hours can be subtracted from it and then set as an alarm.

Can this be done? Is the event_start variable what I should be using?

Any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated!!

Re: Calendar and Alarm Flow

Posted: 06 Jun 2014 05:53
by Joost van Gils
Just have a look at my "read aloud today's meetings" flow in the "EAP-Early Access Program". It shows you how to get the starting time of events. Btw: why not make use of the calendar event trigger to have it fired few hours before starting an event?