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select best wifi

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 20:12
by juandeargentina
I have two reliable wifi access points (both different networks). I want to connect any of those based on the best signal strength.

Example workflow will be.

If netA.signalStrenght isbetterthan netB.signalStrenght
Then connect netA

Simple (I think). :roll:

could you please give me some help on how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

Re: select best wifi

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 16:45
by Martin

The condition WiFi Available allows to define multiple access points in a comma separated list. The condition should provide a variable ssid to the flow that will hold the name of the access point with the strongest signal.
You could then use an action Enable WiFi Access Point: {ssid} Disable other access points to switch to the stronger one.


Re: select best wifi

Posted: 05 Aug 2015 18:05
by xdauser
Good Day Everyone,

First of all, excellent piece of software. Very intuitive in comparison to Tasker.
Anyway, I'm struggling a little bit with automatic Wifi "hopper". I have several Wifi APs in my house with same SSID: Home Wi-Fi.
I'm trying to automate changing to strongest signal AP whenever I'm moving around my home using function General Broadcast with action combined with condition WiFi Signal Level: lower than 2. This combination senses signal strenght changing without a problem. The only issue is to switch to WiFi which is the strongest one as all of them have same SSID so using reference Home Wi-Fi is not an option. Is there any way to connect to Wi-Fi using its BSSID as it is unique to each AP? Or maybe other better way to automate this task. Please share your ideas guys. Thanks very much for an assistance.

BTW: Wifi roaming function in Android sucks a lot!

Re: select best wifi

Posted: 05 Aug 2015 19:49
by Martin

I would have expected that Android internally already switches to the strongest AP available within one SSID. Unfortunately I have no such setup here so I'm not sure if the action Enable WiFi Access Point can be extended to BSSID. Looking at the API it indicates that it does not allow this but I'll check this as soon as I have access to such a network (probably tomorrow).

You could also try to disable WiFi for a short duration, maybe Android automatically selects the better BSSID when WiFi is enabled.


Re: select best wifi

Posted: 06 Aug 2015 07:16
by xdauser

Thanks for prompt response. Indeed switching off and on Wifi forces device to pick-up the strongest AP. I believe there is no way to do it seamlessly without forcing off/on way which is not the best option but at least works. The only side effect of it is when I get to spot where signal is very weak below 2, then flow keeps toggling off and on all the time trying to connect to stronger AP.

Re: select best wifi

Posted: 06 Aug 2015 19:24
by Martin

Depending on flow structure you could add an action Sleep: 5m to the flow and switching the flow menu->Options to Skip execution... to avoid that the flow is executed very often.
I did not have a chance to test the BSSID based switching today, will have to test on Monday.


Re: select best wifi

Posted: 07 Aug 2015 13:41
by xdauser
I followed your advice. Much better now. I also used second check (condition) after AP changeover to recheck if signal is still weak (below 2) and if yes then applied sleep of 60 seconds before device should re-attempt to search for stronger signal. Off course time can be adjusted as required to be longer. Getting closer to perfection ;-). I just love flexibility of Automagic. I'm thinking of some way to check if all available APs signals are below 2 then based on this condition to execute appropriate action. Thanks for great support and assistance mate!