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Help composing a SMS with Start Activity

Posted: 26 Aug 2014 07:00
by nicsergio
Hello everyone

I created a flow which generates a notification in the status bar as a result of events related to the calendar of birthdays of contacts.
In the notification, I added two actions:
- the first is to launch the application of the calendar (and thus far no problem)
- the second is the ability to go directly to the composition of SMS with a predefined text (OK) and addressed to the contact on the calendar event

I tried using the action Start Activity, but is there a way to assign the number as I would like?

thanks to all

Re: Help composing a SMS with Start Activity

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 19:22
by Pendrokar
nicsergio wrote: - the second is the ability to go directly to the composition of SMS with a predefined text (OK) and addressed to the contact on the calendar event
1) So you are unable to get the contact's name and/or the contact's phone number from the calendar?
2) Do you have a separate field for the contact's name in the calendar event?
3) Or is the real problem that once you have the contact's name, you are unable to get that contact's phone number.

Re: Help composing a SMS with Start Activity

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 15:07
by nicsergio
Pendrokar wrote: ...
3) Or is the real problem that once you have the contact's name, you are unable to get that contact's phone number.
Thanks for your help, the real problem is exactly n. 3.
The Google calendar - contacts events automatically sets the title of the event (in Italian, for example, "Luca - Compleanno") so I can easily extract from the variable event_title the name of the contact.

Once I got the contact's name, I have two problems:
1) I have to get the phone number corresponding to the contac's name
2) I have to fill in the field "DATA URI" with the number, but it seems that this field does not support variables

I do not know how to proceed.. :cry:

Re: Help composing a SMS with Start Activity

Posted: 14 Sep 2014 18:09
by nicsergio
If can help someone, I share the definitive flow: I solved with a query :)