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Smarter location retrival

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 05:37
by michael.heuberger
Hello again

Sometimes I experience timeouts when retrieving a GPS location due to technical issue. In that case I want the action to automatically retry getting the location through another location provider (from best to worse) until one has been found.

That would be a smarter location retrievel. Is there something for that?


Re: Smarter location retrival

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 08:03
by skahlhoefer
Hey Michael,

didn't use location information yet but have you tried to insert another location initializiation action (setting supplier to Network instead of GPS) and Connecticut them threw an exception link in your workflow?

Hope this workaround will help.

Re: Smarter location retrival

Posted: 31 Aug 2014 01:01
by michael.heuberger
Yes, location via network works.

It's funny: When I am on WiFi, GPS is NOT working. But when I am on Data instead of WiFi, then GPS works. Can anyone explain this to me??