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GSM Cell Trigger with an unknow ID

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 11:36
by nicsergio
I created a flow that uses the GSM cell trigger (connected mode) and I'm having some small problems, probably caused by very short disconnections from the GSM network: frequently the trigger is reactivated due to a transition from a cell with unknown ID (last_cid = -1) to a cell in the list.
I tried to insert the value of -1 in the list of cells to be ignored, but does not seem to work.. you have any idea?

Carry a small note: I tried to use a global variable -list type- to store the IDs of the cells to activate the trigger, but it only works if I use a string variable (with various IDs separated by ","). It could also allow the use of list variables?

thanks to all :)

Re: GSM Cell Trigger with an unknow ID

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 18:52
by Martin
The list of cells to ignore was introduced exactly for the purpose to ignore such cell IDs. Could you please enable the Debug Log in the preferences of Automagic, wait until such a reconnect triggered your flow and then send the log to me so I can track the cause down (Menu->Manage->Log, Menu->Send Log, send to

You can use listformat to create a proper comma separated list from a variable containing a list of values. Something like this should work in the cell ID list: {global_cells,listformat,comma} (assuming that global_cells contains a list of cell IDs)


Re: GSM Cell Trigger with an unknow ID

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:26
by nicsergio
Hi Martin and thank you for your reply and of course for the wonderful work you are doing with Automagic
Martin wrote: You can use listformat to create a proper comma separated list from a variable containing a list of values. Something like this should work in the cell ID list: {global_cells,listformat,comma} (assuming that global_cells contains a list of cell IDs)
perfect: I tried and it works using global list variables :)

Martin wrote:The list of cells to ignore was introduced exactly for the purpose to ignore such cell IDs. Could you please enable the Debug Log in the preferences of Automagic, wait until such a reconnect triggered your flow and then send the log to me so I can track the cause down (Menu->Manage->Log, Menu->Send Log, send to
I think I've figured out the problem: the flow is enabled/disabled depending on some conditions, trigger activation with last_cid=-1 seems to occur just enabled the flow (so the first time), is it possible?
by the time I tried to insert a delay of 5 seconds so do not do anything just activated the flow..
In case of problems I will send you the log.

thanks for the support

Re: GSM Cell Trigger with an unknow ID

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 16:41
by Martin

Yes, when the trigger is turned on it will directly execute the flow when it's connected to a cell in the list. The variable last_cid will be set to -1 in this case.
I see that the last_-variables are not documented yet. I will update the documentation of the trigger.


Re: GSM Cell Trigger with an unknow ID

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 13:36
by nicsergio
OK, thanks