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Trigger similar to 'state' in Tasker?

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 14:56
by Ghlave
I'm trying to duplicate some things I saw posted for Tasker, but I've come across something I haven't been able to replicate so far in automagic. With regards to the app Tablet Talk, in Tasker, you can choose for the profile 'State', choose plugin, and then for Tablet Talk, there's an option for Tablet Talk Condition, which can be Disabled, Connecting, or Linked.

I have looked at Plugin and Plugin Event, but Tablet Talk isn't listed in either one while I'm attempting to make it a trigger. Am I looking in the right place?

Re: Trigger similar to 'state' in Tasker?

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 21:21
by Martin
The plugin shows up on my test devices. Did you also install the plugin itself: ... gin.locale? It should show up in trigger Plugin in Automagic.
Maybe try to restart the device.


Re: Trigger similar to 'state' in Tasker?

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 21:41
by Ghlave
It shows up when I'm creating an action, but not when I'm creating a trigger.

Did you get it to show up under triggers?

Re: Trigger similar to 'state' in Tasker?

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 23:06
by Ghlave
Actually, I stand corrected. I did NOT have the plugin you linked installed, and that was the missing link between everything.

Thanks Martin!