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Missing permission to start service

Posted: 19 May 2015 16:36
by EBen
When trying to start a service, I receive this error:

End executing action 'Service starten: android.intent.action.MAIN com.csipsimple.easybell2/com.csipsimple.service.SipService ' and exception Not allowed to start service Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0xc3 cmp=com.csipsimple.easybell2/com.csipsimple.service.SipService } without permission android.permission.CONFIGURE_SIP

How can I get or set the android.permission.CONFIGURE_SIP ?
Does it have to be granted to Automagic or to what?

I am using CM12.1 (android 5.1.1) and automagic EAP 1.28 from 16.5.2015

Thanks for your help,

Re: Missing permission to start service

Posted: 20 May 2015 18:46
by Martin

Automagic itself does not hold this permission. It seems that this permission is not a regular android permission but one that was defined by the app you are trying to start.
You could try to start the service using an action Execute Root Command with command: am startservice -a android.intent.action.MAIN com.csipsimple.easybell2/com.csipsimple.service.SipService


Re: Missing permission to start service

Posted: 20 May 2015 20:36
by EBen
Danke Martin,
Dein support ist wirklich super, Deine Antwort hat mal wieder bestens geholfen.
