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Asking for guide

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 03:33
by Compasdot
Hi Everyone
Im a new automagic user. I tried it in the last couple of months. Wow what a great its kinda like a wide world. Even i made simple flows it helped me a lot. But i noticeā€¦ to make advanced flows you should know something called variables. It scared me it really did.

Can anyone guide me to this section. please provide me some examples to get it better.
Exuse my noob order :roll:

Re: Asking for guide

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 15:01
Check the catalog in Automagic: menu>catalog. Then look more for useful examples in the forum under flow sharing topic.

Re: Asking for guide

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 19:06
by Martin
In addition to the catalog, the tutorial on our site uses a built-in variable to show the current time (see Step 5). The widget tutorial uses a global variable to show the current battery percentage in a widget.


Re: Asking for guide

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 01:12
by Compasdot
Thank you so much. I really apperciate that.
I made a flow that do a back up for all recived SMS in text file it worked well. but i want to exclude some numbers from backing up process like my carrier number (627) . i used write to file action. Can you help me solve this.

Re: Asking for guide

Posted: 19 Jun 2015 06:37
by Martin
You could use a condition Expression and check if the variable sms_sender contains 627.
Following expression in the condition should work:

Code: Select all

Flow structure could look like this:
-trigger SMS Received: All
-condition Expression: sms_sender=="672"
--> false: -action Write to File:...

Please note the two equal signs in the script which is used to compare the sender (one equal sign would assign a different value to the variable).


Re: Asking for guide

Posted: 22 Jun 2015 02:27
by Compasdot
works smoothly, thanks Martin you are my hero thank you so much