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Set default ringtone NOT WORKING
Posted: 12 Dec 2015 17:17
by bogdyro
Hi.I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this on a Samsung phone. Using the set default Ringtone action with a full file path like /storage/emulated/0/Ringtone.mp3 doesn't work. It seems it needs the path from the media store like this:content://media/external/audio/media/index
So you have to get the alias for the file in the media store with action query content provider. I found by chance a free program that can find all content providers. You can test the query and see the results. Very handy tool. ... iderhelper
Anyway. .I guess this conversion should be done by automagic in the next version.
Re: Set default ringtone NOT WORKING
Posted: 14 Dec 2015 04:03
by Alex
Thanks, that is handy.
Re: Set default ringtone NOT WORKING
Posted: 25 Feb 2016 02:55
by lueq
bogdyro, thanks so much for posting the link to this app!!!
It is really helpful when trying to figure out the existing content providers and the content they provide!
Martin, could you add a link to this app in the help text for the Query Content Provider action?
It would have saved me a lot of time trying to figure things out, and I believe it will be of use to anyone trying to use this action.
Re: Set default ringtone NOT WORKING
Posted: 25 Feb 2016 20:18
by Martin
That's definitely useful to understand the content provider stuff. Maybe I could add something like this directly in Automagic, especially to view the raw data in table form could simplify things.
Re: Set default ringtone NOT WORKING
Posted: 25 Feb 2016 22:55
by lueq
Building it directly into Automagic would be nice, of course.
But just being pointed to the app is very helpful already and makes the integration into Automagic less important.
And I agree, being able to look at the raw content is really useful.
It is also very useful to have the list of content providers available on the device, before even going down to the table structure and content directly. One of my challenges was to find out the exact and full names of available content providers. AM already displays the columns once you know the content provider, but if you don't know what to enter as content provider that doesn't help.