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Spotify launched but does not play

Posted: 15 Jan 2016 09:23
by Karl
I am new here and not a coder so please bear with me. I want to trigger of a NFC and start playing Spotify (ideally from a specific playlist).
I can trigger of the NFC and launch spotify with Launch App . I then have a 10 second delay to make sure everything has settled down.

What I can not do is start playing (or next track etc)

I assume that I should be Broadcasting an Intent to control spotify. The actions I have tried are (With an without a data URI for my preferred playlist)

Category list is left blank but I have also tried with in this field.

The command executes but not seem to communicate with Spotify. I appreciate this is probably something basic and fundamental but all help is appreciated

Thanks Karl

Re: Spotify launched but does not play

Posted: 15 Jan 2016 19:29
by Martin

Action Control Audio Player should work with most players, however I have not tested the action with Spotify.
Use option send to specified app when another player like Play Music is popping up.


Re: Spotify launched but does not play

Posted: 16 Jan 2016 11:06
by Karl
Thanks, That worked a treat.

Does anyone have the exact syntax for playing a specific playlist

Thanks again,

Re: Spotify launched but does not play

Posted: 16 Feb 2016 19:52
by carlsaan
It's easiest to just make a url of the playlist you want to play. and use the url to both launch the app and load the playlist. You will still need to send the play command

Re: Spotify launched but does not play

Posted: 17 Oct 2018 08:54
by Annie_Yazbeck
In this situation, you'd better to download and install Spotify app on your computer again to see whether it could be helpful.

If there is still not working, please have a try of Spotify Converter, which can help you download and convert Spotify files to local computer so that you can don't worry about whether it will happens something wrong anymore.

Besides, please make sure your network connection is OK.

Re: Spotify launched but does not play

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 08:21
by viorel.rusu
Karl wrote:Thanks, That worked a treat.

Does anyone have the exact syntax for playing a specific playlist

Thanks again,
Did that anyone? I tried with Open URL in browser, but it doesn't play the named playlist. It starts the last playlist, not the parameter one...
Thank you