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Flow execution

Posted: 29 Mar 2016 19:03
by Selmik
Hello to everyone.
I am new to Automagic, previously used MacroDroid, but found Automagic more flexible and functional. Created a few flows, looks like they work as intended, but have some questions.
1. How do I know (except checking log every time) that certain flow had been executed and running as it is suppose to do (all functions and execution time are correct)?
2. Created the following flows to control sound level at different time of the day and night : Trigger (Time:everyday 22:00) --> Action 1 (Set Audio Stream Volume:Notification to level 0) --> Action 2 (Set Audio Stream Volume:Ring to level 0) --> Action 3 (Set Audio Stream Volume: Voice Call to level 0)
Another flow that change sound settings to morning at 07:00. Trigger (Time:Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 07:00) --> Exactly the same as above only volume settings changed to level 3.
Now question - upon night execution the top bar shows icons : vibration, no sound (speaker is crossed by line in circle) or star with note "do not disturb", every time the icon is different. Upon execution the other flow in the morning it continue to show same icon as in night mode, but the log shows that "Morning" flow was executed successfully at 07:00. In fact, the sound levels remains at 0 instead of 3, as it should be in the flow setup.
Please, advise on what I am doing wrong or missed some steps that should be included in the flow. Help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Flow execution

Posted: 30 Mar 2016 18:36
by Martin

1. The last execution time of a flow is shown in the flow list for each flow in the upper right corner. You could also write a timestamp and the name of the flow to a text file with action Write to File: {triggertime,dateformat,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} {flow_name}.

2. When Android introduced the Interruptions mode/Do not disturb mode Google decided to automatically switch on this mode when the ringer is set to silent and to keep this mode turned on when not explicitly switched off. You can turn off the interruptions mode in your flow with action Set Interruptions Mode: None / Don't interrupt.


Re: Flow execution

Posted: 31 Mar 2016 00:05
by Selmik
Thanks a lot, Martin. Both of your suggestions works like a charm. Problem is gone :–)
There is another question I have.
Have 2 flows : Screen OFF and Screen ON. Both works with actions to turn OFF syncing, screen autorotate, WiFi ON/OFF, screen brightness. Both has triggers : Display state ON / OFF. To activate these triggers I use third party program "Pocket Screen Lock" with my flip cover. Phone is LG G3. The idea of these flows is : every time I close cover on the phone, Pocket Screen Lock activates and turns the screen OFF, then the trigger "Display state OFF" of Automagic activates and executes the flow. And the reverse when the flip cover is opened. But looking at the log it does not show that this flow is executed automatically by trigger, only by manual command "Execute". I tried to use flow based on proximity sensor flow, but found that it eats my battery in no time, so I deleted this flow.
Can you, please, advise what is not working in these flows (Pocket Screen Lock does not "talk" to Automagic) or maybe Automagic has its own options to create the flows like that, except proximity sensor that tried already. Or maybe usage of proximity sensor can be limited in certain way to prevent fast drain of the battery.

Re: Flow execution

Posted: 01 Apr 2016 19:00
by Martin
Flows with trigger Display State should definitely work when the screen turns off and on, except maybe when the display is turned "off" by a proximity screen off wake lock (same as when the device turns the screen off while on a call and the proximity sensor activates).
Could you please create a very simple flow with trigger Display State: Off and action Vibrate, close the cover, wait a few minutes and then check if the flow is executed and at what time? Maybe there's some kind of delay.


Re: Flow execution

Posted: 11 Apr 2016 18:41
by Selmik
Thank you Martin. I created a flow you suggested, it worked, but the delay time is about a minute (1 minute and 57 sec according to the log). That was probably an issue when I closed the cover and opened it in about 15-20 sec to check if the trigger and flow actually worked. Now it has an explanation.

Re: About Screen OFF and Screen ON Flow

Posted: 15 Dec 2016 00:06
by gcndubuisi
Shalom Martin, I am interested in the Screen OFF and Screen ON flow issue presented by Michael on March 31, 2016 and you responded April 01, 2016. I logged on to the forum and searched for this interaction you had with Michael but could not find it. I would like to use such a flow to keep my Galaxy Note 5 ON when I am working with it and OFF when I close the flip cover or by double tapping the screen. I use Nova Launcher. I just want to be able to keep the screen on while I am running a program in class and turn the screen off when I am done.
Thanks a lot for your response in advance.

Re: Flow execution

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 21:15
by Martin
Hi Godfrey,

You could probably use flows like this to do what you want:
Flow 1
-trigger App Task Started: AppXYZ
-action Set Screen Timeout: 24 Hours

Flow 2
-trigger App Task Ended: AppXYZ
-action Set Screen Timeout: 2 Minutes (respectively the default setting you want to use)


Re: Flow execution

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:07
by gcndubuisi
Shalom Martin, Thank you so much to reply to my question. Your answer sounds, but I still feel lost on how to proceed. Please I am very new to writing Automagic kind of flow. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me a breakdown of the two flows, with explanation. For example, What would be the content(s) of the App XYZ variables?
Also, I have analyzed the program for Location Based WiFi On/Off. The flow looks very simple, but the program behind the flow I downloaded is not, unless the flow is different from the program I am talking about. I would very much like to know the function of the different segments in the program. Why there are three false statements and then a true statement. What the various numbers stand for or represent, and the variables that I need to change to personalize the flow to my own need and system.
Please, to help me get on track with the thinking process involved in writing the flow programs and mechanics, your line by line explanation of the SCREEN ON OFF FLOW and LOCATION BASED WIFI ON OFF FLOW programs would be greatly appreciated. if I am confusing two different things, please help me clarify.
Thank you so much for your patience.

Re: Flow execution

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 19:56
by Martin
Hi Godfrey,

I recommend to read the documentation available on the web site, especially the base concepts:

...the description of the most important parts of the user interface:

... and then follow the first flow tutorial: ... first-flow

This should already help to build the two flows described in my last post.
AppXYZ is just a place holder for the app you'd like to react to. For example if you want increase the screen timeout when Whatsapp is open, you could use the following flow:
Flow 1
-trigger App Task Started: com.whatsapp
-action Set Screen Timeout: 24 Hours

You don't have to type com.whatsapp. Just edit the trigger by selecting the trigger-box, pressing the pencil icon to edit the trigger and then press the [...]-button on the right side of the screen to show a list of installed apps.


Re: Flow execution

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:44
by gcndubuisi
Shalom Martin, Thank you so much for your quick reply. I will work on what you have provided and give you feedback when I am done.