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Sygic navigation starting with specific adress
Posted: 09 Jul 2016 08:44
by RitterK
I don't mange to start sygic navigation with automatical start of navigation to a specific adress like I did in the past with google maps navigation.
Thanks for help!!! Preferred would be street name + city instead of geo coordinates.
Re: Sygic navigation strting with specific adress
Posted: 09 Jul 2016 10:49
by Bushmills
How would you start Sygic on a specific address when not launched by Automagic? Once that is answered, one could think of how to set up an Automagic flow which does the equivalent.
Re: Sygic navigation starting with specific adress
Posted: 09 Jul 2016 10:56
by RitterK
Sync will be started by Automagic workflow when it connects to my cars bluetooth.
In my workflow it will be checked by daytime and weekday which is my most probable target and starts navigation automatically to variable {Ort}. With maps it works, with Sygic I do not manage..
Not sure if I have to start as Activity or App and when doing that no idea how to implement the {Ort}.
Thanks for help.
Re: Sygic navigation starting with specific adress
Posted: 09 Jul 2016 14:01
by Bushmills
So let me repeat my question.
Re: Sygic navigation starting with specific adress
Posted: 09 Jul 2016 14:16
by RitterK
Sorry, I don't get the question.
I can start sygic with either
"Activity starten"
android.intent.action.VIEW, explizit component, package name com.sygic.aura, (class name: com.sygic.aura.activity.NaviNativeActivity)
"App starten"
ok.. found a way:
android.intent.action.VIEW, data URI: geo:0,0?q={Ort}, explizit component: com.sygic.aura
unfortunately it doesn't start with navigation directly, but needs one click on the screen to confirm the displayed target location.
Any idea how to solve?
Re: Sygic navigation starting with specific adress
Posted: 09 Jul 2016 20:16
by Martin
I'm not aware about an intent that directly starts Sygic in navigation mode without confirmation.
You could use action Control UI/Steuere UI to automatically click the start button. Add a short sleep before executing the click to ensure that Sygic was started properly and shows the button. Something like this could work: