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Problem with flow and/or with brain

Posted: 09 Oct 2016 20:11
by Scott
I'm simply trying to create a flow that locks the phone if a semaphore (i.e. a certain file) exists. But the flow locks the phone every time.

I'm sure it's something simple and stupid. Could someone please tell me what is wrong with this flow... or how to periodically check for a file's existence and lock the device immediately if the file exists?

Re: Problem with flow and/or with brain

Posted: 09 Oct 2016 20:57
by MURTUMA ... 4e44840fa9

Trigger File observer should do if configured properly. I checked the options which might be of interest to you. You'll probably need only one of them. Which one, depends on if the file is deleted when not needed or if it's present all the time. Also, I set one action and condition aside as you shouldn't need them.