Is it possible to set multiple filenames for the output of one script? For example:
Intrustion script
- Login Attempt: Failed
- Take Picture Front: /storage/emulated/0/incorrect password.jpg (this is the part where I need a variable)
- Take Picture Back: /storage/emulated/0/incorrect password2.jpg (this as well)
- Sends email with picture
So basically I want to be able to look in my Gallery at a later point if I need to and see multiple pictures, rather than the one that was taken and overwritten time and time again.
Thanks for any help!
- Aaron
Intrustion flow question
Moderator: Martin
Re: Intrustion flow question
You can use a variable in field Target File, for example:
the file name will look like this when executed:
You can use Menu->Select Variable when editing action Take Picture which shows a few examples and lets you copy the variable to the clipboard.
Action Take Picture also provides variable picture_path with the final path used to store the picture so you could use {picture_path} to send the file in the mail.
You can use a variable in field Target File, for example:
the file name will look like this when executed:
You can use Menu->Select Variable when editing action Take Picture which shows a few examples and lets you copy the variable to the clipboard.
Action Take Picture also provides variable picture_path with the final path used to store the picture so you could use {picture_path} to send the file in the mail.
Re: Intrustion flow question
Thank you! That is exactly what I needed!!Martin wrote:Hi,
You can use a variable in field Target File, for example:
the file name will look like this when executed:
You can use Menu->Select Variable when editing action Take Picture which shows a few examples and lets you copy the variable to the clipboard.
Action Take Picture also provides variable picture_path with the final path used to store the picture so you could use {picture_path} to send the file in the mail.
One more thing... Any idea why I am not able to grant 'Contacts' permissions (needed for the email portion of this flow)? I go into the permissions for the app and enable it and the app itself doesn't recognize it for some reason. I am on a s7 edge, non root, android v6.0.1 on A&T (if that matters).
Thanks again, the main part of the flow is functioning now
- Aaron
/edit when I disable contacts permissions and allow the app to try to grant it, it will pop up saying 'Allow Automagic Premium to access your contacts?'
If I hit Allow, I get the above issues. However, if I check 'Never ask again', the Allow option is then greyed out.
2 step authentication is not enabled on my account either
Re: Intrustion flow question
Granting the permission should work. At least it works as expected on my test S7 (also on Android 6.0.1).
Restart the phone once and try again. When editing the action Mail with Gmail, click on the red permission warning, click Grant and try to select the device account one more time.
Option 'Never ask again' in the permission dialog of Android is only used to deny a permission and to avoid that the popup is shown in the future for this app. Button 'Grant' automatically grants the permission forever to an app (when not disabled in the Application manager and the app is not uninstalled).
Restart the phone once and try again. When editing the action Mail with Gmail, click on the red permission warning, click Grant and try to select the device account one more time.
Option 'Never ask again' in the permission dialog of Android is only used to deny a permission and to avoid that the popup is shown in the future for this app. Button 'Grant' automatically grants the permission forever to an app (when not disabled in the Application manager and the app is not uninstalled).
Re: Intrustion flow question
it says 'Could not get permission Contacts. If there was no dialog shown to grant the permission, you have to enable the permission in the system settings.'Martin wrote:Granting the permission should work. At least it works as expected on my test S7 (also on Android 6.0.1).
Restart the phone once and try again. When editing the action Mail with Gmail, click on the red permission warning, click Grant and try to select the device account one more time.
Option 'Never ask again' in the permission dialog of Android is only used to deny a permission and to avoid that the popup is shown in the future for this app. Button 'Grant' automatically grants the permission forever to an app (when not disabled in the Application manager and the app is not uninstalled).
However, when I try to 'Open settings' it shows that the contacts permission is already granted. :/
i tried the restart and it didn't seem to help. Honestly I don't care too much, I just find it strange that the permission doesn't seem to work properly when I grant it. So don't stress about it if it isn't an easy fix, and thank you for helping me with the primary issue
Re: Intrustion flow question
There's not much I can do about this. It's likely caused by glitch of the system since Automagic can only ask the system for permission and check whether the system granted the permission or not. You could try to uninstall/reinstall Automagic.