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Location Error

Posted: 23 Nov 2016 22:56
by Lange_666
Trying to build a location flow but the flow stops always on an error.

This is part of the log (from the part where the location part starts + the error).

23.11.2016 23:02:21.139 [666_Test] Start executing action 'Init Variable Location: new location into location using Balanced Power/Accuracy, Timeout 3m'
23.11.2016 23:05:21.249 [666_Test] Action 'Init Variable Location: new location into location using Balanced Power/Accuracy, Timeout 3m' Timeout while getting location
23.11.2016 23:05:21.287 [666_Test] End executing action 'Init Variable Location: new location into location using Balanced Power/Accuracy, Timeout 3m' and exception Timeout while getting location
23.11.2016 23:05:21.288 [666_Test] Flow ends execution due to errors
23.11.2016 23:05:21.289 [666_Test] Error:
ch.gridvision.ppam.androidautomagiclib.util.p: Timeout while getting location
at ch.gridvision.ppam.androidautomagic.c.a.cj$1.a(SourceFile:252)
at ch.gridvision.ppam.androidautomagic.c.a.cj$1.a(SourceFile:159)
at ch.gridvision.ppam.androidautomagic.c.a.cj$1$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

23.11.2016 23:05:21.327 [666_Test] Flow ended.
23.11.2016 23:05:21.366 Removed wake lock tracker [666_Test]
23.11.2016 23:05:21.367 Releasing wake lock tracker [666_Test]

Anybody any clue's what's wrong?

Re: Location Error

Posted: 25 Nov 2016 19:50
by Martin

The device seems not to be capable to get a new location within the defined timeout of three minutes. You could try to increase the timeout or try to use another location provider in the action. Location detection of the device needs to be turned on. I assume that it also requires mode Battery Saving or High accuracy to be enabled in device settings.


Re: Location Error

Posted: 25 Nov 2016 20:46
by Lange_666
Isn't there an option to continue the flow on an error like when no location is set?
Because this now stops the flow if no location is found.
The idea was to return a message saying that no location could be found but that part of the flow isn't executed due to the error, the flow just stops there.

Re: Location Error

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 19:56
by Martin
Sure, there's a way to continue the flowon error.:
1) select the location action
2) drag the plus icon to a free position to add a new action
3) create an action Notification on Screen: no location found
4) select the connection between the location action and the notification action
5) select the pencil-icon to edit the connection and change the type of the connection to 'Exception'

THe connection between the two actions should not be shown in a red color, indicating that it's only relevant in case of an error/exception.
The notiifaction action will only be executed when the location action ends in an error. The regular error-notiifcation of Automagic will not be shown when you decide to such errors in the flow.
