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how to break a line in two in notification

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 17:05
by husky

Given the text containing " I need to place this text in two lines", and i would like to see it as

I need to place <===in line 1
this text in two lines <== in line 2

I tested these these combinations I need to place\nthis text in two lines
I need to place "\n"this text in two lines
and they didn't work.

Is there way to break the lines using some AutoMagic feature?
You have a good example on how to Create a list of lines from a multiline text but the opposite of that is not in the Scrpt examples.

Thank You


Re: how to break a line in two in notification

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 06:32
by kintrupf
Use "\r\n" between the lines (without quotes).

Re: how to break a line in two in notification

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 12:00
by skiptannen
The syntax that works for me is {"\n"}

Re: how to break a line in two in notification

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 14:08
by husky
kintrupf, skiptannen

Thank You for the reply.

Unfortunately none of the examples given work for Notification on Statusbar (title and text).

I tried all possible combinations of your examples.

The title contains:
[{global_date}*{global_time}](variations of line break chars)BATTERY OVERHEAT

The text contains:
Overheat temperature is {global_temp}(variations of line break chars)Celsius

From the Log:

ch.gridvision.ppam.androidautomagiclib.util.p: (no such file or directory) for any of the line break variations.

Could that be that Notification On Status bar does not accept line breaks?



Re: how to break a line in two in notification

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 15:56
by skiptannen

I don't think line breaks work in the action Notification on Statusbar. When I tried it I didn't get errors in the log, but I also didn't get line breaks in the notification. I use it in the action Notification on Screen and it works perfectly.

Hope that helps.

Re: how to break a line in two in notification

Posted: 01 Dec 2016 00:18
by husky

It looks like you're right.
I will not pursue the line break in the tnotification on statusbar anymore.
Thanks anyways to all.

Post closed from my side.

