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Text filter of notification on screen and statusbar

Posted: 12 Dec 2016 15:35
by whenevere
For the "Notification on Screen Displayed" and "Notification on Statusbar Displayed/Removed/Selected" triggers, is the "Text" filter CaSe Sensitive ??
Does the "Text" filter support glob pattern characters like * and ? ?
Does the text filter support many keywords separated by comma ?
Does the text filter support VARIABLES ?


Re: Text filter of notification on screen and statusbar

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 20:12
by Martin

The text filter is not case sensitive. * and ? are supported when the type is set to 'matches glob'. Comma separated list of values is not supported.
Variables are not supported. Text fields that support variables will usually highlight the variable in a blue color.

You could also leave the text filter empty to execute the flow on all notifications and then use a condition expression to check if it contains some keywords:
contains(toLowerCase(notification_text), "urgent") || contains(toLowerCase(notification_text), "emergenc") || contains(notification_text, variable1);


Re: Text filter of notification on screen and statusbar

Posted: 24 Apr 2018 06:26
by javanesse
well, hope the next update will give multiple texts filter, so we can save lot resources.