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getBoundsById doesn't work -> Bug?

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 10:10
by MiDaS
I used command bounds = getBoundsById("adress") from overlay control. But script shows [unknown function name].
I know I can use getbounds (button), but I'm astonished, that a command from overlay control didn't work on script funktion.
It this a bug?
ClickById works perfekt and make something easier.

Great Work Martin

Thank you

Re: getBoundsById doesn't work -> Bug?

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 19:45
by Martin
Yes, this is a known bug of the script editor. Please try to ignore the warning in the editor and check if the script works despite the warning. The bug in the editor should be fixed in the next update (and in the EAP version).
