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How send varialbe to body "Tasker Email Sender"?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 21:15
by skom
I'm just getting started with Automagiic and trying to use the "Tasker Email Sender" (as a plugin) to send the "battery_percentage" variable in the email body of this email. Unfortunately, instead of getting a value, I get the word {battery_percentage}. How can I solve this problem?
Thank you in advance for your help :)

@Martin: Nice hollidays! :)

Re: How send varialbe to body "Tasker Email Sender"?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 15:14
by jurkov
I have the same output (Martin maybe explain what we do Bad :) )
But you can do it this way?

Re: How send varialbe to body "Tasker Email Sender"?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 19:03
by Martin
I did not find the plugin with this exact name, could you please send a link to the plugin on Google Play?
You usually have to check option 'replace variables/modify configuration' in action Plugin, otherwise the variables will not be processed.


Re: How send varialbe to body "Tasker Email Sender"?

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 14:23
by skom
I have "Tasker Email Sender 4.3.apk" in play gogle is newer version: ... mailsender

Re: How send varialbe to body "Tasker Email Sender"?

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 19:12
by Martin

Use action Plugin, select EmailSender from the list of plugins, press configure and enter the desired values.
In the field for the body, you can simply use a regular Automagic-variable like {triggertime,dateformat,HHmmss} or any other variable like {my_variable}. You just have to activate replace variables in action Plugin in Automagic so that Automagic actually replaces the variables.
I've tested with the version of Email Send Tasker Plugin available on Google Play and it seems to work.

BTW: There's also an action Mail with Gmail in case you want to send the mail using your Google account from Automagic without using any plugin (no custom smtp servers supported).


Re: How send varialbe to body "Tasker Email Sender"?

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 07:58
by skom
Thank you !
All is working :)
The most important is: "You just have to activate replace variables in action Plugin in Automagic so that Automagic actually replaces the variables."