Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

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Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by sitruk » 14 Sep 2017 18:24

I have been using the same flow across multiple versions of Android and since upgrading to 8.0 I have noticed a strange issue with the ability to change the Ring volume.

No matter what I set in the flow for the ring volume it always seems to set it to a very low level. This is even seen when the volume bar pops up when the flow executes. I can run the flow twice in a row without changing the volume and the bar will appear on the screen and drop down even if the volume is already at the level the flow is setting it to. If I execute that one action in the flow (from within the action) the volume is set correctly.

I hope I am making sense. I included screenshots showing the volume bar dropping when running the flow and setting correctly when running the action.
Screenshot_20170914-141642.png (128.09 KiB) Viewed 25232 times
Screenshot_20170914-141635.png (425.46 KiB) Viewed 25232 times

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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by Martin » 14 Sep 2017 19:33


That's strange. Try to create a very simple flow with just one action that sets the Ringer volume to 3 to see if it behaves better.
Maybe the flow also executes another action in parallel that sets the ringer volume to a lower level or an entirely different flow is also executed for some reason?

What device/ROM are you using?


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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by sitruk » 14 Sep 2017 19:41

Martin wrote:Hi.

That's strange. Try to create a very simple flow with just one action that sets the Ringer volume to 3 to see if it behaves better.
Maybe the flow also executes another action in parallel that sets the ringer volume to a lower level or an entirely different flow is also executed for some reason?

What device/ROM are you using?

Duh... I think I was being lazy in my troubleshooting lol.

Pixel XL/Stock 8.0 (no root)

The test flow ran and set the volume correctly. The culprit is the following "Set audio stream volume: notification to 1" action. The notification volume and ringer volume are the same now? I verified by removing the Notification Volume action from the original flow and the Ringer volume set correctly. I also added notification Volume to the test flow and it showed the Ringer volume bounce from 3 to 7 (what I used to test).

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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by Desmanto » 15 Sep 2017 13:51

You use too many duplicate elements. Set volume and ringtone can be transform into only 2 action, by utilizing variable. You can create a map to lookup to the time. But vibrate and interrupt mode can't use variable. Vibrate only on and off, so can be mapped too. By putting into single action with variable, it is also easier when you want to modify it later. You don't need to edit 5-10 same elements.
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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by sitruk » 15 Sep 2017 14:41

Desmanto wrote:You use too many duplicate elements. Set volume and ringtone can be transform into only 2 action, by utilizing variable. You can create a map to lookup to the time. But vibrate and interrupt mode can't use variable. Vibrate only on and off, so can be mapped too. By putting into single action with variable, it is also easier when you want to modify it later. You don't need to edit 5-10 same elements.

I don't really follow what you're saying. I have been using the same flow for years across multiple devices with zero issue. Modifying an action that is used more than once is not a chore because I am either changing just that one instance or if I need to change all uses it asks me if I want to change all of them. Simple. Changing the Ring volume and changing the Notification volume used to be considered 2 separate actions and work independently. Hence my confusion with this behavior. If this is just how Android works now (Ring and Notification volumes are the same thing), then I will adjust accordingly. If someone could clarify that detail for me, I would appreciate it.

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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by Desmanto » 15 Sep 2017 16:20

sitruk wrote: I don't really follow what you're saying. I have been using the same flow for years across multiple devices with zero issue. Modifying an action that is used more than once is not a chore because I am either changing just that one instance or if I need to change all uses it asks me if I want to change all of them. Simple. Changing the Ring volume and changing the Notification volume used to be considered 2 separate actions and work independently. Hence my confusion with this behavior. If this is just how Android works now (Ring and Notification volumes are the same thing), then I will adjust accordingly. If someone could clarify that detail for me, I would appreciate it.
Ah, change them all, that's something I forgot, even though I just typed it a while ago. Noted it down again for comparison to other app.

I am quite obsessed to reuse the element if they are the same, maybe almost OCD :D I used to have 8 flows, to speech output based on time. Each flow has about 3-10 actions. Counting all, total about 60 elements. After compacted and combined, now it is only single flow with 11 triggers, but only using 14 elements (outside of triggers). Well, the flow basically does the same, but it is just so satisfying to see it is so tidy :) So, when I see something like your flow, my perfectionist OCD was triggered :D

I have tried the ring and notification. Changing one will change the other as well. But I never use this action before. When it started to behave like this? Automagic just updated to 1.34.0 several days ago. Did it happen when it is still 1.33.0?
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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by sitruk » 15 Sep 2017 17:21

Desmanto wrote:
sitruk wrote: I don't really follow what you're saying. I have been using the same flow for years across multiple devices with zero issue. Modifying an action that is used more than once is not a chore because I am either changing just that one instance or if I need to change all uses it asks me if I want to change all of them. Simple. Changing the Ring volume and changing the Notification volume used to be considered 2 separate actions and work independently. Hence my confusion with this behavior. If this is just how Android works now (Ring and Notification volumes are the same thing), then I will adjust accordingly. If someone could clarify that detail for me, I would appreciate it.
Ah, change them all, that's something I forgot, even though I just typed it a while ago. Noted it down again for comparison to other app.

I am quite obsessed to reuse the element if they are the same, maybe almost OCD :D I used to have 8 flows, to speech output based on time. Each flow has about 3-10 actions. Counting all, total about 60 elements. After compacted and combined, now it is only single flow with 11 triggers, but only using 14 elements (outside of triggers). Well, the flow basically does the same, but it is just so satisfying to see it is so tidy :) So, when I see something like your flow, my perfectionist OCD was triggered :D

I have tried the ring and notification. Changing one will change the other as well. But I never use this action before. When it started to behave like this? Automagic just updated to 1.34.0 several days ago. Did it happen when it is still 1.33.0?
I think I updated to 8.0 around the same time the app updated so I'm not sure if it's the app or the OS.

I'm not sure what "triggered" you about my flow. I find my flow to be pretty clean and easy to understand. Everything is nice and neatly laid out in a vertical path. Really, I don't see a way to consolidate anything that would add any value. If I were to eliminate the vertical design, I would end up with all these intersecting paths that would be hard to work with if I wanted to edit something. I have 1 Flow containing 1 Trigger element with 9 triggers, 8 separate conditions with 6 actions per condition (sound profiles basically). At this point, I am able to cut a lot of fat since I am finding a few things to be unnecessary. Going from 6 actions to 4 per "profile". It also sounds like you are comparing apples to oranges since your flow is more complex and designed for an entirely different purpose.

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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by Desmanto » 16 Sep 2017 02:54

I will try to check the set audio volume in 1.33.0 version later at my another phone.

Well, my "trigger" (forgive me for the bad pun) is a lot duplicate elements or consecutive script and expression. :) Cheers, it is just me. My flow is quite similiar to your in term of the concepts. (I plan to share it after other things has been finished). Last night I just spent maybe half to an hour just to consolidate another finished working flow with 9 elements, which 6 of them are 4 scripts and 2 expressions. I compacted them to only 2 script (actually wanna make it only one, but impossible), leaving only 5 elements. The flow is still doing the same, it is just my obsession to make it so perfect. 8-)

Nothing is wrong with your flow. The duplicate elements editing has been taken care by automagic change all feature, so not a problem anymore. Yes, you have to intersect the elements if you are going to consolidate them. The rule of "Don't fix it if it ain't broken" still valid. But somehow it is just my obsession surpass that rule :D Can't help not to comment when seeing duplicate elements. :)
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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by Desmanto » 17 Sep 2017 17:10

Seems this is bug in 1.34.0. Tested on 1.33.0, ring and notification volume change individually. In 1.34.0, changing ring will also change notification volume, and vice versa.

There is still another variable passing bug. But I am still investigating the bug and finding the step to reproduce it.
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Re: Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue

Post by sitruk » 17 Sep 2017 17:14

Nice! Thanks for the update.

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