General Broadcast with custom Intents
Posted: 08 Mar 2018 14:51
I am using Itracing2 with Itag to find my lost keys, the app is good but there is a lake of trusted zone ( i don't want my phone to signal lost when i am home ).
Itracing2 allow to send a custom intents for :
-Single Click ( i put itracing.button1)
-Double Click ( i put itracing.button2)
-Connected ( i put itracing.button3)
-Out Of range ( i put itracing.button4)
I was able to use general broadcast to intercept those intents, the flow i an trying to build is supposed to have a branche for each of those 4 cases.
i am new user of Automagic and i dont know if it is possible to take the intents that trigger the flow, examin if it contains Button1 for example and then reroute the flow to the appropriate actions.
Her is a screenshot of Itracing2:
Her is the begining of my flow ( i am stuck becase my flow couldn't differetiate wich intents triggered )
Thanks For your Help
I am using Itracing2 with Itag to find my lost keys, the app is good but there is a lake of trusted zone ( i don't want my phone to signal lost when i am home ).
Itracing2 allow to send a custom intents for :
-Single Click ( i put itracing.button1)
-Double Click ( i put itracing.button2)
-Connected ( i put itracing.button3)
-Out Of range ( i put itracing.button4)
I was able to use general broadcast to intercept those intents, the flow i an trying to build is supposed to have a branche for each of those 4 cases.
i am new user of Automagic and i dont know if it is possible to take the intents that trigger the flow, examin if it contains Button1 for example and then reroute the flow to the appropriate actions.
Her is a screenshot of Itracing2:
Her is the begining of my flow ( i am stuck becase my flow couldn't differetiate wich intents triggered )
Thanks For your Help