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TIME trigger error

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 12:07
by colabi
Hi, Martin

I have this flow:
Trigger: Time > Time: 23:00 > Allow in device idle/doze
Condition: Time Range > From To: 23:00 - 09:00

The flow always start at 22:59 and the condition return always false

This work as expected (condition return true) in Oreo

Pixel, Android 9, AM 1.36

Re: TIME trigger error

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 19:56
by Martin

This is a bug in Android 9 which triggers alarms sometimes a few seconds early. You either have to set trigger time to 23:01 until Google fixes the issue or add an action 'Sleep: 10s' to the flow before the condition is reached.
Please note that alarms where sometimes early by up to about 8 seconds but usually not more so 10s should be good enough for now.
