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Temporarily mute

Posted: 17 Jan 2019 04:54
by jfknyc

How can i get a Temporarily mute Flow? With Llama there was an Action to mute and Lock it for Severin hours. How can I manage this in AM? Sometimes I need mute during the Day when normal the Phone is on Volumen.

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 17 Jan 2019 17:13
by digitalstone
There is no built-in function for that.
You will have to make it yourself.

For example: Couple the action "Set Flow State" before and after a "Sleep" action.

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 17 Jan 2019 17:51
by Desmanto
When you mean mute flow, do you flow to mute your ringer volume? Or do you mean "mute" in terms of disable the flow?

To mute ringer volume, use action set Ringer mode to vibrate or silent. You can create it with trigger shortcut, action set ringer mode, set the script to a glovar datetime, add several hours to current time. Add another flow with trigger Global Variable Datetime, use this glovar as the var and action set ringer mode back to normal.

If you mean to disable the flow, I have actually create the flow to temporarily disable/enable any flows in automagic for certain period of time, and enable/disable it back after timeout. Haven't finish checking everything until now, although I have been using it for several months already.

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 18 Jan 2019 06:23
by jfknyc
I man to mute the Volume down for several seems not so easy..I dont understand the global Daten time to be honest. Wer do I need to Set the Script?
I just need a Flow, wich says, Mute Volume for x hours and pause my other flow which sets the volume to loud..that was mich easier with Llama..

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 18 Jan 2019 07:32
by Rafi4
hi jfknyc
use time trigger
example :trigger = time 1.00 p.m
action =silent profile
action =set flow state= disable flows
delay 4 hours
trigger =time 5.00 p.m
Action =normal profile
set flow state =enable flows

you want to pause your flows if silent profile is enabled
in flows use condition ringer mode normal to true branch
any doubts? please post.
from record4

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 19 Jan 2019 06:07
by jfknyc
Thanks but I cantfind True Branche etc..i thing, i do it all manually. My thoughts were, that I could create a command popup asking me How long I would Pause the 2 flows which are setting ringer Mode to normal. .it Sounds really complicated with AM..

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 19 Jan 2019 06:52
by Rafi4
hi jfknyc
download these flows. you can find the true branch in these flows. when normal profile is enabled observe the flows "WELCOME TO THE MAGIC OF AUTOMAGIC" notification on screen will be displayed .when vibrate or silent profiles are enabled "WELCOME TO THE MAGIC OF AUTOMAGIC"will not be displayed. observe true branch in
"upload condition " flow. I hope you can get your solution in these flows.

from record4

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 19 Jan 2019 09:19
by digitalstone
"True branch" and "false branch" just means the output of a condition (the diamond-shaped elements).
It is not an action or condition. It is the output line from a condition.

Just click on such connection-line within any flow.
Now you can check and change these outputs. They can either be 'true' 'false' or 'exception' (nevermind that last one for now).

Trust me, there is nothing complicated about Automagic :D

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 19 Jan 2019 10:37
by digitalstone
@Rafi4 Why did you created 3 separate flows? This can be all 1 flow.
In any case, this wasn't the functionality jfknyc was asking for.

He just wants to mute the volume for a couple of hours.
So, in case you meant the Ringer volume, this is the flow you want.

Attaching the flow does not work now.
The site tells me: "The upload was rejected because the uploaded file was identified as a possible attack vector."

So i placed it on my G-Drive for you to download.
The link is: ... IgY4KvxErb

Re: Temporarily mute

Posted: 19 Jan 2019 14:37
by Rafi4
hi digitalstone
I make three flows because time 1.00 p.m is to activate silent profile and 5.00 p.m to activate normal profile.
display state trigger flow is to give information about to execute Flows in normal profile. that's it. also I don't want to use "sleep action" hours of time.I think may be it will consume more battery. may be your flow is good. I am still learning Automagic premium.

suggestions are always welcome.
from record4