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Host reachable bug

Posted: 02 Feb 2019 15:24
by xdauser
Possible bug: host reachable condition does not work with variables.
For an example:

1. If you put in Host reachable condition ping option and address f.e. it works without issue.
2. If you declare in script global or local variable s1= and then call in condition Host reachable condition using variable s1 instead of raw IP address it does not work.

Re: Host reachable bug

Posted: 02 Feb 2019 17:28
by Desmanto
I have tested it. Raw IP works, result in true (which what I used all this time). Using variable
ip = "";
and then use {ip} in the host field, will result in true also.

But somehow in 10 tests, 2 times result in false, whether it is using raw IP or variable.

Re: Host reachable bug

Posted: 02 Feb 2019 17:40
by xdauser
Silly me. Forgot to put variable into {}. Now it works. :-). Thanks!