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Bug MIUI 10 Android P

Posted: 21 Mar 2019 19:32
by bogdyro
Hi everyone.
Is anyone having issues with Xiaomi phones not able to toggle battery saver mode from AM ?I am rooted, I also tried to set global setting low_ppower 1 but no luck.
Is there really no workaround for this? Thanks

Re: Bug MIUI 10 Android P

Posted: 22 Mar 2019 10:52
by Desmanto
The last resort is to use Control UI, but you must have the screen on and unlocked to do it.

Re: Bug MIUI 10 Android P

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:55
by bogdyro
I've actually found the setting. Toggling POWER_SAVE_MODE_OPEN in the system database does the trick.