{Notification_text} error
Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:58
I think I am facing a new problem with trigger notification on Statusbar displayed.
Details: trigger notification on Statusbar displayed
App name= com.google.android.keep
Action:script :addElement(global_test_list,0,notification_text);
Issue = elements was adding to the list 2 to 3 times.
For example = notification_text is "Automagic is awesome". After saving the elements the list is as below.
0= Automagic is awesome
1= Automagic is awesome
2 = Automagic is awesome.
I have already tried script as Martin's "multiclipboard flow". But no use
Please solve this.
from record4
I think I am facing a new problem with trigger notification on Statusbar displayed.
Details: trigger notification on Statusbar displayed
App name= com.google.android.keep
Action:script :addElement(global_test_list,0,notification_text);
Issue = elements was adding to the list 2 to 3 times.
For example = notification_text is "Automagic is awesome". After saving the elements the list is as below.
0= Automagic is awesome
1= Automagic is awesome
2 = Automagic is awesome.
I have already tried script as Martin's "multiclipboard flow". But no use
Please solve this.
from record4