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{Notification_text} error

Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:58
by Rafi4
I think I am facing a new problem with trigger notification on Statusbar displayed.
Details: trigger notification on Statusbar displayed
App name=
Action:script :addElement(global_test_list,0,notification_text);

Issue = elements was adding to the list 2 to 3 times.
For example = notification_text is "Automagic is awesome". After saving the elements the list is as below.

0= Automagic is awesome
1= Automagic is awesome
2 = Automagic is awesome.

I have already tried script as Martin's "multiclipboard flow". But no use
Please solve this.

from record4

Re: {Notification_text} error

Posted: 03 Oct 2019 17:38
by Desmanto
AFAIK, the behaviour happens because of notification grouping. It usually happens consecutively and so fast that you don't see it. You can catch only the first notification by changing the execution policy to skip and use sleep 1 seconds after the script. This will ensure it will only react to the first notification and skip the following consecutive ones.